Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2000 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Pua'ōinahou R)undōtion Proudly Aimounces Th« Brand Nevv CD Releuse From Soimy Ching "Ho'oulu I Ka Na'auao - To Grow in Wisdom"

Produced by Traccy Terada at Four Strings Productions. wm um»'vna'i»ii www.īowerrecord$.com Now on saie for oniy $13.99 Tower Re«)rds Honolulu - Kahala - Pearlkai Sale ends April 30, 2000 Meet Sonny C3iing & the hālau at these petfotmances: Apnl 9 Kahala Mail Entertainment Stage. 1 1 a.r Autograph session to lollow. ApiillO KCCN 1420AM with Keaumiki Akui, 2 p.m. April21 KINE 105. 1FM Aloha Rriday Lameheon Show

* v < /O y a fourth generation kumubulā'be2anbis kC/ training at the age of four . in the traditional Hawaiian inanner with lils giandnK)thei; Lena Pua'āinahau Eleakak ! " Nahulu Guerreia In his teens, he conctnued his hula tiaining with Frank Kawaikapuokakni Hewwt and later lahda Ka'aihue. Sonny founded Hālau Nā Mamo O Pu'uanahulu in Marchof 1986. This stunning and brilliant collection of 30 original and traditional chants showcases the various chanting styles and use of hula implements and Hawaiian instruments. 5th Annuai FAMILY FAIR Fundraiser May 21 Veteran's Adminstnition Park n. at Keehi Lagoon Pure Heait, Shawn & more! Ono food, keiki karnival & door Drizes T!ckets <mly $5 - keiki under 5 (ree! ' . yourtlckets from any hālau member

! — ! EAST COAST TOUR — June3 Carnegie Hall, New York, NY, 8 p.m. June7 DrugEnforcement Agency. Washington DC June 1 0 East Coast Hawai'i Society Lū'au. Washington DC June i 1 Kamehameha Statue Lei Draping Ceremony Capitol Rotunda, Washington DC ; For complete pertbrmance & tour details, log on to www.sonnyching.com or eall 848-7780.