Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2000 — A Search for the true issues [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Search for the true issues

Kaua'i meeting AFIRST-OF-ITS-KIND event took plaee when OHA's Land Committee held its March 3 meeting on Kaua'i to go over the eon-

cerns oi beneticiaries there. The committee eame away with details and insights that the people of Kaua'i have long researched and for whieh they are now advancing proposals toward solutions. The well-attend- | ed meeting was a testament to the interest in protecting Kaua'i's resources and

namral attractions. There was even a suggestion that the entire island should be a preserve. The efforts and diligence of Kaua'i beneficiaries are to be applauded. Rice vs. Cayetano All Hawaiian entitlements are now in jeopardy because they are

threatened with discontinuance. However, discontinuance is not supported by the truth of the record whieh reflects that those benefits are due Hawaiians in exchange for the

statenooa enjoyea by all residents of Hawai'i. This raises the question of whether, if the benefits cease, statehood is now in default. Visible opponents of the benefits include Freddy Rice, William Burgess, John Goemans and Paul Hanifin, and in I their zeal they are I overlooking the 1 commitments of I record.

Rice vs. Cayetano has ended with a ruling that seems to be opening up the doors to more litigation. This was put forth by William Burgess who has announced, 'The high court's ruling making OHA elections unconstitutional sets a legal precedent that could be the beginning of See HAO on page 9


the end for OHA and all other raceabased state and federal programs." Other indigenous people affected Of interest is how the high court ruling ean affect other indigenous people as reported in the Saipan Tribune on Feb. 25. What does this decision mean to last November's approval under the covenant agreement of limiting the vote on the fate of the "land alienation" provision strictly to the indigenous people of the Northern Marianas Islands (NMI)? They now believe the recent Supreme Court ruling nullifies the provisions of the "land alienation" measure and opens up the vote on land alienaīion to all U.S. citizens living in the NMI. It may be of note .

that the NMI opted to become a eommonweakh of the United States after its trast territory status eame to a close. Akaka chairs self-determina-tion On March 10 in Washington, D.C., the Hawai'i Congressional delegation established a Task Force on Native Hawaiian Affairs and selected Senator Daniel Akaka as chair. "I weleome the responsibility because we are at a critical point in time for Native Hawaiians," Akaka said, "and 1 look forward to working with my delegation colleagues, the State of Hawai'i, Native Hawaiian organizations and the community on the important ehallenges we face." It's time for a symbolic "circling of the wagons." OHA will continue to strive to put forth its best efforts to prevail and enjoy a fair and just solution to the high court's raling. ■