Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2000 — KS alumni week [ARTICLE]
KS alumni week
Graduates of the Kamehameha Schools are planning their annual alumni week. Alums who graduated in years ending with "0" and "5" should expect an alumni brochure this month. The week-long celebration will include a fashion show coordinated by designer Nake'u Awai by featuring the apparel of such KS graduates as Wainwright Pī'ena (Kāpala 'Ahu), Nola and Linda Nāhulu (BetteMu'u), Pono and Danene Lunn (Manuheali'i) and Puamana Crabbe. The week will culminate with a gigantic 'aha'aina at Konia Field, Sat., June 10. For information on alumni week activities, eall 842-8680.