Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 3, 1 March 2000 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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But first you haue to do a little paperworh.

Qf p cf Uaiip I|b * ■ 1^*1 Piease use a 4. What is Person Vs te1ephone number? We maycaU mm BB|I> Waek or Wue pen. \h,s person ifwedon t understand an answer. H Kp 1 . How many people were living or staying in this ^69 &*1® + Number mM Hl| house, apartment, or moWle home on April 1, 2000? Jj|| |p: Number of people mĒ Mlil 5. What is Person 1's sex? Mar k ® ONE box. imĒ Mm INCLUDE K.1 thrs number □ Mate □ Pemaie B WĒ: • foster ch»fdren, ^oome?^, or bousemates ' ' • no ^^e^oe-'nanem place'r s«3 ^ What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1*s date of birth? |||| • people livmg here mosr of ?he bme whiie workin& " " " t0C° i K I I even if ihey have another piaee to &ve ■ H 00 NOT INCLUDE m this number, . • coilege studen?s hving away while aitendmg college m num rs m xes < , 1111 Hg| • peopie in a correct»n3f facility, nursing home. or 00 L ay Ye3r of ^ 4Hr ' . m I R mental hospitai on April 1. 2000 | } ^ - a *$»£■' HHv • Armed Forces personnei l»ving somewhere else f ' 9« |B • peopie who 've or stay a? another plaee most of !he t»me NOTE: Please answer BOTH Questions 7 and 8. |il Wk 2. Is this house, apartment, or mohile home P®pon 1 Spanish/Hispanfc/Latino? Mark ® the "No" f||| Kll Mark®ONEbox box rf not SpanlsIVH,span,c/Latinp O 0wred 6y vou or somear* ,r .h«s hi«ehold wāh 3 j ° N#- 001 ^sWHisparvcAa«»n& □ Ves. Pueno ■ 1* mortgage « 1030» LJ Yes. Mewean. Mewean Am , O«cano U Yes. Cuben HHK H§§ □ Owned by you or someore <n th»s househoW free aod □ Yes- otr>ef Spanssh/HispanicAa?ino — Pnnt group. fiB| ^E||| cJear iwi?hou! a mwtgage wloan)? - •- . .?• lll Hph □ Renieo tor cash rent? > :■ i \ j < \ !■! □ Occup<edwithou?paymen!ofcashfent? p-. Wm MĒI\ io. What is Person 1's race? Mark liU one or more race$ to 04§ WĒ0 , x 11 X 1 indicate what this person considers h,mseff/herself to be Wm mm 3. Please answer the following questions for eaeh r— » person living in this house, apartment. or mobiie L^ wh,te . . home Start wrth the name of one of the people U 8!aclc. Alnean Am . or Negto _ . livingherewhoowns. « bu»ing. of r«rts this □ An»<^ Alas« - PMnameoien.oWo.pnnaMluiK ? II house. apartment o/ moWle home H there is no - * Wm Hf§ such person, start with any aduft living or staying here. We wiM refer to this person as Person 1 What is this person's name? Prmt name betow Q Asian lncfen □ Jaoanese □ Nanve Hav«a»an H K ( — 1 ( — 1 I — 1 liMl Us?Name U Chmese U Korean LJ Guaman«an o/ Chamorro H □ ,Other Astan — Pmt race. -y □ Other Paole lslandei — P.i« .aeo =■ P' ™ « ; - II OMB NO 0807 0856 Anprovai E»pi<es imi.7000 "> lf more people live here, continue with Person 2. E i? ^ ';'•■■ |®|: I L,' j||f

When you don't fill out Census 2000, your community could miss out on its fair share of billions of dollars in w*united states federal funds. Your answers help determine how communities will share over $185 billion eaeh year. That w6nSUS public money will help provide the things your community needs - like schools, day care centers and hospitals. 2000 This is your future. Don't leave it hlank.