Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 3, 1 March 2000 — OHA FINACIAL REPORT [ARTICLE]

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Fiscal Year to Date Jan. 3 1 , 2000


ASSETS General funds in State accounts Cash in State treasury/ outside accounts Accounts/other receivables Note receivable, net of allowanee for doubtful accounts of $3,998,058 Interest/dividends receivable Inter-fund receivable Prepaid expenses and security deposits Investments Land/building Leasehold improvements Machinery, equipment. furniture. fixtures Provided for payment of: Vacation benefits and compensatory time Operating lease rents/capital lease Estimated claims and judgments Total Assets UABILmES Accounts payable Inter-fund payable Vacation benefits and eompensatory time Operating lease rents Estimated claims and judgments Capital lease obligation Total Uabilities FUND EQUITY Investments in fixed assets Fund halanee Reserved Designated Unreserved /undesignated Total Fund Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY

FUNDS $ 2,161,965 49,605,653 1,093,177 9,628,513 2,289.745 212.487 461,322 312,891.352 $378,344.214 750.713 212,487 $ 963.200 14,822.723 48,703.170 313,855.121 $377,381.014 $378,344.214

ACCOUNT GROUPS $1,137.492 538,405 2,149,807 633,756 91,228 360.340 $4,911,028 633,756 32,302 360.340 58.926 $1,085.324 3,825.704 $3,825,704 $4,911,028

Editor's note: Beginning with this issue, Ka Wai Ola will publish the OHA Financial Report according to the new format followed by the Administrative Services Office of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. ASO now breaks OHA 'sfinancial picture into two reports. The report printed above summarizes OHA 's assets, liahilities andfitnd equity. The report on the right summarizes OHA's revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances. This new format gives a comprehensive representation of OHA 'sfinances. Ka Wai Ola will be revising its layout to facilitate opnmum comprehension. ■

REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES REVENUES State general fund appropriations $ 2,550,922 Public land trust $3,554,013 Dividend and interest ineome $6,961,889 Native Hawaiian Rights Fund $30,145 Federal and other grants $261,597 Newspaper ads, donations, other revenues $54,767 Non-imposed fringe benefits $83,877 Total revenues $13,497,210 EXPENDITURES Current programs: Board of Trustees $2,405.602 Administration $ 2,366.007 Program Systems $3,118,703 Hawaiian Rights $1,424,678 Capital Outlay $311,219 Total expenditures $9,626,209 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDiTURES $3,871,001 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Realized gain on sale of investments $20,570,264 Net increase (decreased) in unrealized gain (loss) on investments held ($4,436,390) Lap.se of cash to State General Fund ($6,556) Operating inter-fund transfers in $4,918,229 Operating interfund transfers out ($4,918,229) Total other financing sources (uses) $16,127,318 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES $19,998,319 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD $357,382,695 FUND BALANCE, END OF PERIOD $377,381,014 Note: Prior year appropriation expenditures have been grouped into current office restructure. The above figures are for the seven months from July 1, 1999 through Jan. 3 1 , 2000. ■