Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 3, 1 March 2000 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BOARD O F TRUSTEES Clayton Hee Chairperson & Trustee, O'ahu Colette Y Pi'ipi'i Machado Vice-Chair, Trustee, Moloka'i & Lāna'i • Rowena Akana T rustee-At-Large • Haunani Apoliona T rustee-At- Large • A. Frenchy DeSoto Trustee-At-Large Mililani B. Trask Trustee-At-Large Louis Hao Trustee, Maui Donald B. Cataluna Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau • Hannah Kihalani Springer Trustee, Hawai'i • ADMINISTRATION Randall Ogata Administrator • Published by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Public Information Office • Ryan Mielke Public Information Officer Jayson Harper publications specialist • Manu Boyd Paula Durbin publications editors Caitriona Keams Media Production Specialist • Lei Lonoaea PIO secretary • Charles Ogata volunteer Ka Wai Ola o OHA "The Living Water of OHA" Published monthly by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 711 Kapi'olani Boulevard, 5th floor, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. Telephone: 594-1980 or 1-800-468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: 594-1865. E-mail: oha@aloha.net. World Wide Weh location: http://wrvw.oha.org. Circulation: 70,000 copies, 60,000 of whieh are distributed by mail, 7,000 through island offices, state and county offices, private and community agencies and target groups and individuals. Ka Wai Oia o OHA is printed by RFD Publications, ine. Hawaiian fonts are provided by Coconut Info. Graphics are from Click Hawaiian Art, 1996 Varfez/CI. Advertising in Ka Wai Ola o OHA does not constitute an endorsement of products or individuals by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Ka Wai Ol a o OHA is published by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to help inform its Hawaiian beneficiaries and other interested parties about Hawaiian issues and activities and OHA programs and tfforts. Kvenrs of interest to the 1 lawaiian comu!unity are included in the Calendar on a space available basis. Inclusion does not eonstitute endorsement or validation of the event or the sponsor by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Notice to Readers: Ka Wai Ok o OHA will accept for considetation news releases and letters to the editor on topics of relevance and interest to OHA and Hawaiians, as well as calendar events and reunion notices. Ka Wai Ola o OHA reserves the right to edit all material for length and content, or not to publish as available spacc or other consider:«ions may repuire. Ka Wai Olu o OHA d<H.-s not accejst unsolicited manuscripts. Deadline for submissions is the eighth day of every monih. Late submissions are considered only on a space-available. basis. A copy of the newspaper is mailed eaeh month to the oldest registered OHA voter at eaeh address, to be shared by the household. To eominue receiving Ka Wai Ola o OHA, please remember to vote īn eaeh election. Our mailing list is based on the OHA voter lists and when the city and county clerks purge the list of non-vot-ers, our list is also affected. Mahalo! FOR ADVERTISING RATES, CALL WORLD PRESS INC. AT 627-1327 © 2000 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. All rights reserved.