Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 3, 1 March 2000 — Revenues [ARTICLE]

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Congratulations to Ryan Mielke for setting the record straight when he responded to Kenneth Conklin's Jan. 10 letter to the Advertiser. Everything Ryan wrote is absolutely correct, except he neglected to say Hawaiians are also taxpayers - federal, state, general excise, etc. I want to set the record straight for Richard Thompson who wrote in his letter, "I support stealing the Kamehameha Schools' assets and liquidating them to raise funds for public education, including the University of Hawai'i. Or better still, apply the 20 percent of revenues the Office of Hawaiian Affairs receives to the UH endowment." Mr. Thompson, the University of Hawai'i sits on ceded lands. If OHA collected its 20 percent from UH, it would amount to billions of dollars. You should also know that the state receives 80 percent of revenues

derived from ceded lands. Hawaiians receive only 20 percent. It is not stealing from the rich and giving to education, it is paying an obligation that the state entered into when it agreed to the conditions of statehood. Gladys Rodenhurst Honolulu