Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2000 — OHA board cements reorganization with revamped, inclusive committees [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA board cements reorganization with revamped, inclusive committees
OHA, Papa Ola Lōkahi agree on federal legislation
By Ryan Mielke ĪHOUGH NOT spelled out on the agenda, "nā kahu waiwai a pau" (the entirety of trustees) was the result as the OHA Board of Trustees. under its new chairman, Clayton Hee, finalized its reorganization Jan. 13 with the approval of all standing eommittees, providing every trustee a chairmanship or vice chairmanship on at least one eommittēe.
Chairman Hee noted that he offered all trustees the opportunity to discuss committee assignments and encouraged trustees to meet with him. During the meeting, trustees questioned the wisdom of filline
positions on the Ad Hoe Committee on Entitlements and
Negotiations with the ceded lands (Heely) negotiations formally broken off between OHA and the State of Hawai'i. Chairman Hee countered that trustees must continue to pursue the protection of Hawaiian entitlements associated with
| ceded lands and the I laws governing I their use. The purI pose of filling positions on the eommittee is to "ensure that full attention is given to Native Hawaiian entitlements. We have manv outstanding
issues with new strategies to actively pursue with the
federal government and even the counties," said Chairman Hee. "The members of this committee are the building blocks of the roadway to success in negotiations, litigation and cooperative activities to See OHA BOARD on page 4
Clayton Hee, OHA chairman
From page 1 secure entitlements." Also at the Jan. 3 meeting, the OHA Board of Trustees approved amendments to legislation that affects Hawaiian heahh care. If approved by Congress, the legislation may provide OHA a more active role in Hawaiian health care. "OHA has committed itself to provide paddlers in the eanoe on its way to improved Hawaiian health care, and I am very proud to be a part of this voyage," said Chairman Hee. S. 1929, whose intent is to raise the health status of Native Hawaiians by 2010, was introduced by Hawaii Senators Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka on Nov. 16 when it was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. If the bill passes with the proposed amendments incorporated, OHA would consult with Papa Ola Lokahi on drawing up a comprehensive heahh care master plan to improve the heahh of Native Hawaiians. ■ *