Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2000 — Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


But first you have to do a little paperworh.

- ■ Ctart Hprp / wlul l I ICI C/ Please use a 4. Wh»t is Person 1's telephone number? We may catl BH black or blue pen. this person if we don t understand an answer. 1 . How many people were living or staying in this *** Code + Nun*er |jl house, apartment. or mohile home on Apnl 1, 2000? INO.UOE <n th.s number □ Male □ female I HK' • • foster children, roomers, or housemates H ■ • people stay.ng here on Aphl 1 2000 who have 6. What is Pereon V% age and what is Person 1s date of beth? B I no °tner pe,manent piaee lostay ^ ^ ■■ • people hv.ng here most of the time wh4e working. IDO NOT INCL UDE m thfs numbe- ^ nufr)bers jfl • peopie in a correctional facl.ty, nursmg home, or . Mon,h Yearofbirth , ; . H menlal hosp»taf on April 1. 2000 |fe j ' ' ' " B|| HKi • Armed Forces personnel livmg somewhere else - H ^HI • people who *tve or stay at another plaee most HHl MP of tne trme NOTE: Please answer BOTH Questions 7 and 8. Wm Hl 2. Is this house, apartment, or mohile home ^ ^ ^erso" \ Span»sh/Hispanic/Lahno? Mark ® the "No" jj||g H Mark 3 ONE box '' not Span,sWH>span,cfljmp ' H H| O Owned by you or someone !n this househotd wnh a □ No, not Spao.shAfiSoan^tino || □ Yes. Puono R,can ■ Kf mongage or loan? LJ Yes. Me^iean. Me*«an Am , Ch»cano U Yes. Cu0an H H □ Owned by you or someone «n this household free and O yes. other Span.s)VHtspa'KAat.oo - Prmt group ^ H |K dear <without a mongage or ioan)? | 1 ^HK 8. What is Person 1's race? Mark ® one or more racesto I 0 .. .. . mdicate what this person consKiers himseff/herself to be. 3. Please answer the following questions for eaeh Huuk, person living in this house apartment, or mohiie U Whiie home Start wrth the name of one of the peopie O BlacV. Afhcan Am , or Negro 'irZ2n no ■■ such person, start with any adutt living or staying here. We will refer to this person as Penon 1 H H What is this person's name? Pnn! name bebm- □ Asan Inoan □ Japanese □ NMive Hawanan B I »-* II ■ I omb No 06OTO8S£ t» ■ ■ •> Oo»™ «moooo lf more people live here. eonhnue with Person 2. JtfB5 B

When you don't fill out Census 2000, your community could miss out on its fair share of billions of dollars in ^united states federal funds. Your answers help determine how communities will share over $185 billion eaeh year. That public money will help provide the things your community needs like schools, day care centers and hospitals. 2000 This is your future. Don't leave it hiank.