Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 2, 1 February 2000 — Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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COST / TRAVEL ♦ There is no tuition. ♦ A T-Shirt fee of $ 1 5.00 will be assessed upon acceptance into Summer Institute. ♦ Interisland transportation will be provided to neighbor island participants. APPLICATION REOUEST FORM AVAILABLE FROM: ♦ Nā Pua No'eau offices at: ♦ University of Hawai'i at Hilo (Headquarters) ♦ University of Hawai 'i Center, West Hawai 'i ♦ Maui Community College ♦ Moloka'i Education Center ^ ♦ Lāna'i High & Elementary School ♦ University of Hawai'i at Mānoa ^ ♦ Kaua'i Community College «• ♦ Hawaiian Agencies: » Alu Like, ine. ♦ Office of Hawaiian Affairs ♦ Department of Hawaiian Homelands ♦ Queen Lili 'uokalani Children's Center ♦ February 2000 issue of "Ka Wai Ola o OHA"

e (13) Students will have the opportunity to explore O'ahu lsland. s Through kinesthetic exploration, they will rekindle the practices a of our kūpuna within eaeh ahupua'a. From engaging n themselves with loko I'a (fish ponds), one hānau (birthplaces), e heiau, and other sites, they will become the vehlcles to continue Hawaiian tradition. Nā Alaka'i (Leadership) UH-Hilo Kumu T. Kūlani Calina & Shontel Ells June 28 - July 12, 2000 d e Students will work in cooperative groups to explore the ;t modern and cultural themes of "kuleana" and sense of plaee. ^ Students will reconstruct individual family mo'okū'auhau and s connect to modern styles of leadership both in the classd room and the community. They will also present a leaderh ship game to the Ho'omālamalama Summer 2000. Students jl will end with a final project: class presentation to be shared at N the Hō'ike. t. >t Nānā Pono I Ke Kai (Manne Science) UH-Hilo e Kumu Roxane K. Stewart June 28 - July 12, 2000 s ^ (15) Preserving and perpetuating the natural beauty and \ health of Hawai'i's oceans requires that we monitor our ■ " oceans carefully and accurately. Who better to monitor and care for our oceans than the natural caretakers of Hawai'i, - Hawaiians. Students will focus on monitoring d and Preservin9 Hawai'i's oeean resources. Students e (\ will leam basic monitoring techniques and conduct a h IkĒlm rnonitoring study of some of Hawai'i's loeal shorelines. a Students will also leam how to make a crabnet and look into the issue of sea turtle conservation.