Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 2, 1 February 2000 — Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WHAT MAKES MK ELIGIBLE? I must: ♦ be of Hawaiian ancestry. ♦ be currently in grades 6-11. ♦ have a high interest, potential, or ability towards the class for whieh I am applying. | ♦ have not attended a Nā Pua No'eau Summer Institute program at UHH-Hilo or UH-Mānoa before. HOW T)Q I APPl ,Y? ♦ Review classes being offered, decide whieh is the best for you and submit the Application Request Form (on following page) by March 3, 2000 ♦ You will receive the Applieaūon Form that you requested. Note: lfyou do not receive your applieaūon form by March 8, 2000, please contact our office in Hilo. ♦ If you need assistance with your application please eall a Nā Pua No'eau office. ♦ Complete and submit Applieaūon Form by March 17, 2000. ♦ You will be notified of your status by the week of April 17-21, 2000. LOCATION ANP DATE OF PROGRAMS ♦ Students will attend classes and reside in dormitories on either the: ♦ University of Hawai'i at Hilo campus on June 10-24 or June 28-July 12, 2000. ♦ University of Hawai'i at Mānoa campus on June 18 - July 1, 2000.

MolokaH ~ O'ahu ~~~ ~ KaupH i Lana'i High & Elementary Schoo) Moloka'i Education Center University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Kaua'i C'onimunity Coliege P.O. Box 757 P.O. Box 488 2600 Campus Road, SSC#413 3-1901 Kaumuali'i Highway Lāna'i City, Hawai'i 96763 Kaunakakai, Hawai'i 96748 Honoluhi, Hawai'i 96822-2205 Līhu'e, Hawai'i 96766-9591 Ph. (808) 565-7900 Ph. (808) 553-9993 Ph. (808) 956-9410 Ph. (808) 245-S042 Fax. (808) 565-7904 Fax. (808) 553-9993 Fax. (808) 956-9240 Fax. (808) 245-5042

CLASSES FOR STUDENTS CURRENTLY IN GRADES 9"'- llth A'o Hōkū (Astronomy) UH-Hilo Ka'apuni Wahi Pana (Field Exploration) UH-Manoa Kumu John Dvorak June 10 - 24, 2000 Kumu to be announced June 1 8 - July 1 , 2000

' *. (10) Students will examine Hawai'i's plaee in th * ' ' m' * ■ ' ■ universe, both from the results of scientific studie . % . /m whieh many are conducted at Mauna Ke • Observatories and from the view of Hawaiia cultural knowledge. Students will explore th ancient and modern uses of Mauna Kea. Pathways to Hawaiian Ecosystems UH-Hilo Kumu Charlotte Forbes & Lei Respecio June 10 - 24, 2000 (11) Students will focus on natural resources foun 'n Hawal'i's unique environment. The importanc Mnm^Ēoi these resources to Hawaiians both in the pas and the present will be explored. Students will lean ■j^fim^Hthrough hands-on participation of technique ..s I associated with biology, botany, geography, an geology. Students will leam basic outdoor skills sucl as map and compass reading, safety in the field, camping skills, and practic£ field applications. Students will leam from various field professionals on ho\ such techniques are used in research application and program developmen Students will traverse various areas of Hawai'i's wilderness by foot to learn firs hand about Hawai'i's environment. Students should be willing to eamp and hik long distances under various weather and environmental conditions. Student ean anticipate primitive camping conditions (no showers, outdoor toilets, etc.). Ho'opa'a/Ho'opa'i Ki'i 'oni'oni (Television Production) UH-Mānoa Kumu to be announced June 18 - July 1, 2000 0(12) Students will dive into the world of video production anediting. They will take on the task of creating a public servic announcement forthe Hawaiian community and learn about sucl techniques as time tracking, lighting, and sound to assure . successful product.

Detach this form and return to: Nā Pua No'eau. Universitv of HawaiM at Hilo. 200 W. Kāwili St.. Hilo Hawai'i 96720-4091 0 SUMMER INSTITUTE 2000 APPLICATION REQUEST FORM university Name: Current Grade: Phone: ( ) OF Hawah One student per request torm. Address: City: State: Zip: PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE ICON BOX(ES) OF THE APPLICATION FORM(S) YOU NEED FOR YOUR AGE GROUP: FOR STUDENTS CURRENTLY IN GRADES 6"'- 8* FOR STUDENTS CURRENTLY IN GRADES 9,h- 11 th 4.g Q| 7-QH§ io. 5.Q 11. □ 14. □ ^ 3. □ ^ 6. □ §S§t 9. □ f 12. □ Q 15. □ lllii