Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2000 — Captain of "F Troop" [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Captain of "F Troop"
LET ME be the first to say that status quo has onee again permeated the board. Witnessing the return of this board to complacency and selfservitude makes my heart heavy. I predict that in the upcoming months committees will be shuffled and trustees will be reassigned. Watch closely, as it is just the majority's old shell game in whieh hp service is paid to beneficiaries, while ever>thing remains stagnant. Clayton Hee's "new" allies were his enemies just a short while ago. In 1998, these same four orchestrated a reorganization, whieh stripped him of his chairmanship. In 1999, they ousted him as Budget and Finance chairman. These acūons make trustees look like a cast of cartoon characters. The irony of this situation begs the question: why would these trustees ally to unseat me, when my record clearly shows the progress this organization has achieved in just 13 months?
We all know politics drives this state. Although OHA is supposed to be nonpartisan, it has unfortunately become a pohtical pawn in the quest for power and the control of Hawaiian assets. Those who have been in control for a long time are gravely concemed that Hawaiians are now stepping up to the plate to take control of their future. The reorganization is a transparent move by the new majority to drag their feet over the ground that we have laid. It has further fractionalized the board, making it
more difficult for trustees to work together cohesively. The 'alamihi crab syndrome that these five trustees take pride in ultimately perpetuates the perception that the infighting, the personal attacks and the inability to work eohesively continue at the board level. Participating in negative and unproductive poliīieal games hurts OHA and its beneficiaries. OHA was designed to be a non-partisan organization. It should remain that way. During my tenure, I focused on what I was elected to do: better the eonditions of the Hawaiian people. It is not easy to work with individuals who have difficulty envisioning the future. Nevertheless, we opened a door for Hawaiians at the federal level, whieh had never happened under past chairs. We successfully persuaded the federal government to acknowledge its continuing trust responsibility to Hawaiians. The board also launched a successful campaign in Washington D.C., winning Hawaiians the support of U.S. Solicitor General Seth Waxman in Rice vs. Cayetano. As a result, he filed a brief urging the high court to favorably consider OHA's position. Recently, the board appropriated more than $574,CX)0 for the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation to assist beneficiaries in bringing claims against the state for breaches of the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust. We also approved $425,428 for various Hawaiian projects. We took action in areas involving our investment portfolio, in an attempt to get the best return for our Hawaiian beneficiaries. I still regret that we were not able to implement a most critical programs: the Native Hawaiian Health Care Initiative. Under this exciting pilot program, OHA, by supplementing the Medicare Part B, would have offered our kūpuna improved access to medication and quality medical care. This project represented OHA's first attempt at providing direct services to our elders. I am sad that several trustees couldn't see the value of this important initiative, and voted against it on more than one oeeasion. Another project that won't be completed is the puwalu, a self-determi-nation workshop. Slated to occur in March-April of 2000, it was geared to help all understand and discuss the different forms of self-govemance. I pray our beneficiaries will not be discouraged by this latest ruckus. OHA is poised to do important things, and I will eonhnue to work hard for Hawaiians. To all of those who have supported me throughout the years we say this: Mahalo nui loa and do not lose heart. I will be back. ■
"Participating in negative and unproductive political games hurts OHA and its beneficiaries.,,