Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2000 — Keale's record [ARTICLE]
Keale's record
At the board's meeting on Kaua'i, Trustee Apoliona said, "Kaua'i has not had a representative for 19 years. As a kupuna and an aide to Trustee Moses Keale for eight years, I want to set the record straight. Years ago, Trustee Keale gave up a salaried job to work at OHA for $50 a meeting. Kaua'i and all Hawaiians benefitted ffom his full-time dedication to the betterment of the Hawaiian people. He served on every committee, often as chair, and was ehaiiman of the board three times. His many accomplishments include OHA's Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund, tutorial assistance, Educational Foundation, paitnership with Habitat for Humanity and advocacy of immersion. Instead of settling the state's ceded land debt for $10 million and the Aloha Tower, he insisted on mueh more and pioneered a portfolio that grew to $320 million. In 1990 he had the foresight to suggest that OHA create a bank but the board failed to act on the idea. Today our people are asking for a Hawaiian bank, most recently at the reconciliation hearings. Hawai'i Hongwanji made Keale a Living Treasure and the Small Business Association named him Minority Business Advocate of the Year. What has Trustee Apoliona accomphshed during her years on the board except to forget her campaign promise of lōkahi and pono? Gladys Rodenhurst Honolulu