Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2000 — Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WhatJs OHA done lately? A lot - for Hawaiians
July • Awarded $1 16,996.60 in grants to support projects that serve Native Hawaiians: $1,400 to Anahola Water Recreation for water safety instruction $29,169.60 to Hui no lee Ola Pono for perinatal services $48,451 to Winners at Work for employment and training of the disabled $3,835 to the National Agri-Marketing Association of the University of Hawai'i at Hilo for marketing research on hybrid orchids $5,381 to Ho'oulu ke Ola o nā Pua for kupuna workshops $14,500 to Hawaiian Kamali'i for teen afterschool programs $14,260 to the Maui Food Bank for a garden at Kilohana Elementary School • Appropriated $1.2 miilion to guarantee a loan supporting Hawai'i County Department of Water Supply's appliealion for federal funds for road construclion and clearing homestead lots in Kīkala-Keōkea. • Approved funds for initiatives in alternative education. • Voted to support the Dollars-to-Classroom Act, a federal bill that could benefit Native Hawaiians in the area of education. • Voted to amend the Native Hawaiian Health Care lmprovement Act to extend its benefits to more Hawaiians. • Appropriated $243,000 for community education by Paepae Hanohano, OHA Governmental and Sovereignty Committee's volunteer advisoiy group.
August • Accepted as final the results of an extensive survey conducted by the Honolulu-based SMS Research and Marketing Services ine. on many of the controversial social and political issues confronting Hawai'i. The survey. a ten-month project involving 4,000 Hawai'i residents, showed Hawaiians wanted OHA to focus on education and land rights and that four out of 10 Hawai'i residents favored some form of sovereignty for Hawaiians. September • Assigned Trustee Louis Hao as chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance and Trustee Colette Machado as vice chair, and Trustee Colette Machado as chair of the Committee on Program Management and Trustee Frenchy DeSoto as vice chair. • Approved inclusion in the money monitor's eontract of a provision for a "wrapped" rather than a "fixed" fee. • Resolved to submit the Ho'oulu Mea Kanu native plant project to the Administration for Native Americans for funding. • Decorated Gladys Brandt and Harriet 0'Sullivan with the Ka Hā Mai Nāli'i'elua Award, presented at 'Aha Kupuna. 0ctober • Chair Rowena Akana and Trustees Haunani Apoliona, Louis Hao, Clayton Hee, Colette Machado, Hannah Springer and Mililani Trask traveled to
Washington to be present when the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Rice vs. Cayetano, a ehallenge to the structure of OHA's elections. November and December » • Considered candidates to fill the Kaua'i/Ni'ihau seat of retired Trustee Moses Keale • Rescinded $4 1 7,74 1 .77 in appropriations either not spent in a timely manner or allocated to programs no longer relevant to OHA's mission. • Appropriated $574.810 for the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation to assist Hawaiian beneficiaries in bringing claims against the State of Hawai'i for breaches of the Hawaiian Home Lands Trust. • Affirmed OHA's position that no additionaI general funds will be requested via a supplemental budget request to the Legislature for fiscal 2001. OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS "Working for a better Hawai 'i " www.OHA.org