Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2000 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
Kahiona — E nā lehulehu o tupuna Maheau Kahiona, e ho'i hou kākou. Descendants of Maheau Kahiona are planning a reunion for July in Kona. 'Ohana includes the descendants of Minnie Kalua Nailima, Emma Kealoha, Sarah Kekai Requilman and perhaps others we are not aware of. Also invited are descendants of Maheau Kahiona's siblings: Maikunu, Maihui, Kalea and Noa. For information, eall Lucy (Yniques-Nailima) Meyer, P. O. Box 365, Laupāhoehoe, HI 96764, 962-6166; Clara (Nailima) Yniques, 883-0723 (Hawai'i); Judy (Yniques Nailima) Siazon, 625-1082 (O'ahu); Reno Kapo (Mercado-Kealoha) Villaren, 9414266 (O'ahu); Larson (Kealoha) Mondina, 6379626 (O'ahu). Kahiwakanekapolei — Nā Kū'auhau o Kahiwakānekapolei, including the families of Aiu, Bright and Kepelino, are planning a grand reunion for Aug. 18 - 20, in Kona. Please update your address, phone number and genealogy information, and submit to Nā Kū'auhau o Kahiwakānekapolei, P.O. Box 5411, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744. For information, suggestions, or to help plan the event, eall Ka'anapu Kong at 2399248, Danny Stone at 235-5995 or email kaleo @ lokahi.com. Kahunanui/Maihui — The descendants of Paul Kahunanui and Elizabeth K. Maihui of Kaupō, Maui, are planning a reunion, Sept. 22 - 24. Contact Haxry Kahunaui, president of the reunion committee, at (808) 878-3420; and Boyd Mossman, recorder, at (808) 244-2121. We will more than happy to send you past minutes and update the 'ohana on what's being done and what need to be done. Aloha kākou. Hope to see you all there. Kalua Kanawaliwali — The 2000 'ohana reunion will be held Sept. 1 - 3 (Labor Day weekend) at the Kokokahi YWCA, 45-135 Kāne'ohe Bay Dr. To receive the 'ohana newsletter, contact Moana McKeague, (808) 259-6590. Kamahele — The descendants of Clement John Kamahele are planning a reunion for Sat., July 1. For information, eall Debbie Armour at 4876022 or William "BuUy" Apele at 682-4320. Kinimaka — A reunion for the descendants of Kinimaka is being planned. Kinimaka married Mary Kanoena Gilman and had Kinimaka, Ala and Makawao. Kinimaka then married Kaniu Haaheo and adopted Kalakaua. His third wife was Pai or Pae and had Kaniu Haaheo, David Leleo and Moses Kapaakea. David Leleo married Hannah Keolakaau and had Mary (John Atcherley), Matthias (Virginia Keawe), Rebecca (Arthur Apana), Fanny (Joseph Kunewa), and Aliee (Sam Mahuka Spencer). David Leleo then married Kanoena and had Kanoa, Heloki. Kumaku. David and Frances. David Leleo had another son, Sam Leleo, by another woman.
Sam Leleo married Hannah Macy. For more information, contact Clarence A. Medeiros Jr. at 86-3672 Govt. Main Road., Capt. Cook, HI 96704, or at cam6@aloha.net Pa — A reunion for the descendants of the ehildren of David Kalauhala Pa Sr. and Catherine Kapohoolahaina Rowan will be held in July 2001. Exact date and plaee to be announced. Their children included Joseph Oulilani Pa, Josephine Leilani Pa Shaw, Mary Ann Meleana Pa Moniz, David Kalauhala Pa Jr., Aliee Kaleimanuia Pa Kema Aiwohi, William Liwaikalani Pa, Leslie Lani Pa, Harriet Haleaka Pa Amundsen, Thomas Pa, Virginia Kauanoe Pa Lawrence and George and Otto Kahinu (adopted by Albert and Louise Kahinu, sister of Catherine Rowan Pa). For information, eall Mihon Kaonohi Pa at (808) 567-6428. A family directory is being updated. Please send names and addresses to Hokulani Lawrence Steward, 1531 Fathom Drive, Oxnard, CA 93035. Paiaina — The two branches of Nalua Paiaina of Kamoiliili and his two wives, Kaaihaha (a.k.a. Aihaha) and Paahao, are having a reunion at the King Kamehameha Kona Beach Hotel on May 27 and 28. Branches bear the following names: Akau, Ako, Alameida, Alcazar, Alika, Andrade, Cabiles, Camvel, Coelho, Costa, Cunningham, Domingo, Doversola, Duarte, Evangelista, Gonsalves, Haahlio, Heine, Hewlett, Hookaea, Ikalani, Irvine, Iseri, Kahele, Kalama, Kam, Kane, Kanekoa, Kaukau, Kauwenaole, Kawelo, Keanu, Kenney, Kunewa, Laa, Lau, Lewellyn, Lino, Lum, Manini, Mito, Moon, Nahinu, Naluai, Nera, Nohoikaiu, Ostermiller, Paiaina, Patasil, Perry, Poe, Rapoza, Rienecke, Rieta, Saballa, Silva, Velasco and Watson. Your kōkua is needed! For information, eall Ellie Kaanaana, reunion chair, 672-3775, or write to Brenda Pimenlal, 105 Waimele Pl, Kula, HI 967909503, or Lydia Guzman, P.O. Box 271, Wai'anae, HI 96792, 696-2521 / 696-2481 (fax). Pauole/Halalu/Aiai — A reunion is planned for June 30 - July 3, at Salt Pond Park. Hanapēpē, Kaua'i, for the descendants of Joseph Aiai and Anuali; William Aiai Pauole and Mary Pualoke Samuel; and Andrew Pauole and Elizabeth Ka'ahulani Kekapa, all of Hanapēpē. For information, eall Edna Santos and Bonnie Ann Dela Cruz 887-5680, Kekapa Lee at 661-4784 (Maui) or write to P.O. Box 455, Lahaina, HI 96767. Spencer — The descendants of Francis McFarlane Spencer and his wives: Sarah Smith and Martha Daniels, are planning a family reunion the weekend of Aug. 5, in Waimea, Hawai'i. We need your kōkua to organize mailing lists, eommittees and genealogy information. Please kokua by contacting: on O'ahu, Sarah Mendoza at 247-7188, or Audry Brooks at 488-6775; In Waimea, Bea Nobriga at 885-7088, or Cynthia Spencer at 885-5761. ■