Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 1, 1 January 2000 — CDs by John Keawe anel Imua reflect variety in contemporary Hawaiian music [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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CDs by John Keawe anel Imua reflect variety in contemporary Hawaiian music

john Keawe "Heortfe/t"

AT THE NORTHERN tip of the island of Hawai'i, a small Hawaiian community has, for generations, been inspired by its serene verdure and a magnificent history. Kohala, noted for its gusty 'Āpa'apa'a wind, animated hala groves and bounteous sea, is

where slack-key guitarist John Keawe 1 CTeates his

music. Mak- f i ing his debut | inl978with \}\ " Ka 'auhuhu Homestead ," k Keawe has rein- e troduces the Homegrown III ' classic along with a dozen new selections that. like

Kohala. are easily

enjoyed. An instru-

mental gem, "Encantada, Spamsh for "enchanted, bears the name offered years ago by an audience member as a possible title for the then-unnamed pieee. For the haunting score and adept guitar, it is a perfect fit. Keawe dedicates " Manu Aloha" (love bird) to his wife, Hope. introducing a flute obbligato to his trademark kī hō'alu. Another instrumental, performed in waltz time, is "Kalauapapa 's Prayer" intended to ease the tribulations of the Hansen's disease patients at Kalawao. Moloka'i. Inspired by Keawe's first trip to Hāna four years ago, "Hāna by the Sea" acknowledges an immediate, intrinsic connection that has bound east Maui and

By Manu Boyd Kohala since ancient times. " Hi'olani , Keiki o Hawai'i ," a lullaby for his mo'opuna, reintroduces an uneommon word, "hi'olani," a poetic reference to sleep, rest or relaxation. Dedicated to his mom. Edith Keawe, who has "journeyed to an eternal life to be his guardian angel." Keawe's " Heārtfelt " CD will conjure up the rare beauty of Kohala and acquamt you with the artful experiences of this Hawaiian man from Ka'auhuhu Homestead. Imua, "L/ve Aloha"

i lbert "Baba" Akiona. Dave Dunaway ĒL and Samson Ah Mook Sang, eolleeĒ 1 tively known as "Imua," have JJk released their second CD, "Live Ē 1 Aloha" produced by Island Groove Productions ine. Guest artists include Emie Cruz and Chino Montero, both i excellent vocalists and instrumentalists in \ their own right, add to, but don't overshadow. the trio.

'Ukulele, drums and electric base throughout the project support songs and rhythms that are catchy, representing a trend that is appealing to a whole new generation of island music enthusiast. " Hawai'i is the Plaee" and the title cut, "Live Aloha," are performed with reggae influenced stylings, the Jamaican-orig-inated genre increasingly identified with Hawai'i. " Swing " is about a young girl and boy who play together in a mango tree and. eventually, marry, and raise a family. The cut enjoys a lot of loeal air play for good reason - it's elean and clear, boasting the song-writing finesse of Baba Akiona. "You're the Hero to Me,"

penned by Akiona and Dunaway, also well written, recounts such storybook characters as Pinoeehio, Sleeping Beauty and King Arthur. This one is ideal for keiki or keiki at heart. Samson Ah Mook Sang's instrumental composition, " Another Plaee and Time," has a light, jazz-contemporary feel that is a refreshing and smooth way to round off the project. Check out Imua on the web at www.islandgroove.com, or see them live around town. Thev have the makings of a productive ensemble with staying-power in an industry that always has room for more talent. P

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IMUA - Samson Ah Mook Sang, Dave Dunaway and Baba Akiona released their first CD, "Endangered Species," in 1998.