Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2000 — Workers, goals and milestones [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Workers, goals and milestones
T'S A time of both goodwill and a new millennium in whieh to offer my thanks and appreciation to all who have helped and participated in moving together toward our mutual community goals. Some of the many who have worked earnestly for their communities eome to mind, such as Cheryl Vasconcellos, Papa Auwae, Kaleo Patterson, the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation and the Hawaiian Health Care Systems. I have surely missed naming many more individuals who have served their communities well, although my gratitude goes out to all of you as well. It is my wish that a vote of thanks also goes out to my fellow trustees whose efforts have assisted me many times to realize the larger picture. Mahalo to Chair Rowena Akana for her efforts and to former Vice Chair Hannah Springer with her insights. I also extend my appreciation to Trustees Colette Machado, Haunani Apoliona and Frenchy DeSoto and to retired Trustee Moses Keale, who have kept the process moving. Special note is given to Trustee Clayton Hee for frequently reminding us to stay
within the parameters of our budget - or else. As the past millennium comes to a close and the goals are reached, we ean look to the future millennium with renewed hope, vision and goals. We ean walk hand in hand toward a brighter future tomorrow. You see, if we did not have eaeh other, there would never have been a trust and there would be little need for the Office of Affairs trustees to manage an OHA trust for its beneficiaries. Mahalo and thank you. Wishing you all again a wondrous Hauoli Makahiki Hou. ■