Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 17, Number 1, 1 January 2000 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
» We Want To Hear FromYou. Share your hopes and vision with us as we shape a strategic plan for the future. Over the next twelve months we will be meeting and talking with the Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate 'ohana and the Hawaiian community about priorities for educating Hawaiians and what role we should play in that worthwhile endeavor. Your participation in this process is vital-you are affected by what we do and we'd like to hear your ideas. Learn From Our Past An important preparation for planning is to review where we have been and what we have done. In Kamehameha's fl2-year history, Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Will has been the guiding force in all that we have done and continues to lead us as we look ahead. Significant decisions have been made about how to serve Hawaiian students. Kamehameha Today Kamehameha's educational programs today span five islands and serve nearly 13,000 Hawaiian youth. Programs we are committed to include: • K-12 college preparatory campus at Kapālama • Parent education • K-12 East Hawai'i campus • Statewide preschools • K-8 Maui campus • Summer Programs • K-3 reading partnership with DOE • Financial Aid (preschool through college) KSBE's programs are funded solely through the endowment of Ke Ali'i Pauahi. Help Shape Our Future Your input is important to us, so we have designed several ways to solicit your ideas about the important educational needs of Hawaiians and KSBE's role in helping to meet these needs. Attend the Community Meetings Come to the KSBE Strategic Planning Presentations and bring your ideas. We have already met with groups in Kaua'i, Maui, Moloka'i and in Hilo, Kona, Wai'anae and Honolulu. We look forward to hearing from you, too. See the schedule at left for the meetings most convenient for you. Return the Survey If you've already attended one of our community presentations, or read the December issue of Ka Wai Ola o OHA, we would appreciate it if you would complete and return our survey via fax or mail to the address below. Contact Us You ean contact us without even leaving your home! Here's how: • Call toll-free 1(877) KS-KOKUA (1-877-575-6582) and leave a message. • Fax: 1(808) 842-8170 • E-mail: ksbeplan@ksbe.edu • Website: http://wWW.ksbe.edu (eliek on Strategic Plan) • Write tO US: Strategic Planning, Kamehameha Schools, 1887 Makuakāne St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Make a Positive Difference Your input, along with our own internal assessment, the best educational research nationwide and KSBE's commitment to providing quality educational services to Hawaiians in perpetuity, will be considered in the formation of a preliminary plan. Then you'll have a ehanee to respond to the plan, its decisions and rationale. It is our hope that this process will encourage broad and diverse input, and result in a plan that will positively influence the educational achievement of future generations of Hawaiian children. KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS BERNICE PAUAHI BlSHOP ESTATE