Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1999 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BOARD OF TRUSTEES \ Rowena Akana Chairperson & Trustee-At-Large \ Hannah Kihalani Springer Vice-Chair & Trustee, Hawai'i I Haunani Apoliona \ Trustee-At-Large \ A. Frenchy DeSoto \ Trustee-At-Large wlililani B. Trask Trustee-At-Larce \ Louis Hao tsuSTEE, MAUI Gbyton Hee TruVee, O'ahu Moses K. Keale Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau Colette Y. Pi'ipH'i ^4achado f Trustee, Moloka'e A Lāna'i \ADMINISTRATION RandallOgata j Adminis^trator Hfbiished by the Offke of Hawaiian Affairs , ik Public lr^ormation Office \ Rjjlin Mielke ft^blic imeormat«on officer ^Mfayson Harper PU«bcations Specialist Boyd PauHtourbin PUBLICATlOBt EDITORS L Lei Lonol||a , * i PIO SECRETAHk j 'L Charles Ogata ^ volunteer \Ka Wai Ola o OHA LivingWllter of OHA" M Pubiished mo|||)iy by tiv|fSfftce of Hawaiian Affatra, 7j,4 : Kapi'olam Boi3^rd, (loor, Honoluiu, Hawai'i 968C. lelephone; 594- f '-800-468-4644 ext 41888. Fax.- fM1865. E-mail: oha®wha.net. Wortd Wide Weh locatton: http://www.oha.org. Cr»,,ttlation: 70,000 eopiea, 60s000 of whieh are <Jtsmbuted by rhaiiK>000 thtough island olftces, state wd county ofhces, private :m«kpmmumty agencles target group$ and individuals. Ka Waf\Jko OHA prin^3 by RFD Publications, lt»c. Hawa»ianfonts a^g>vided hy C®conut lnfb. t iraphics are ffom CUck Hawaiian Arfe|96 Advert»sing n Ka Wai Ola ■■ OHA does not CTS|tit«tb an endorsem\|bof products or individuals hy the OfTice of Hawaiian Ka o OHA is published by rjjwt Office of Hawauan Affaits Lhil^-lp tnform »ts Hawaiianiheneficiartes and other interestēd |sSg:ties ahout Hawaiia%1ssues and activities and OHA progrāiajyanci effotts. Bvetslf of interest to the Hawaiian communtty arē tnduded in th$*lertdar on a space available basis. inekeion d<^&*>t ct)r»ttte endorsement ot validation of the event or the spā§^,J^:#fe Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Nottcd^ Readers: / Ku Wai Ola o OHA will accept,fc>r constderation news re|tees and letters to the edttor on topk\ja£ reievance artd sn^fet to OHA and Hawaiians, as weil as <3l»|drir events and%eunion ■ :u '!<■<• " Ka Wai Oia o OHA reserves ttagght t<> edtrall materkil for length and content, or not to pub®\<)'> '.ai!.<hlc space of other constderations mav re<)uire. Ka V- . ©ja o OHA does not'iccept uosoltcited manuscnpts. Deadltne fof submiSsions is the'eigh|h day of everv month. Late submlssk>ns are constdered only on aspace-availahte basis. iii A copy < f the-<newspaper ts mailed eatd) month to the oldest registered OH'A voter at eaeh address, to be shared by the household. To c<>hftnue recetyirtg Ka Wai Ola o OHA, please remember to vote'in |ach eleellon. Our mailing list is based on the OHA voter lisu aiill Whenhhe city and county clerks purge the list of nt>n-voters, our1iSt,|4also affected. Mahaio! FOR ADVERTtSING RATES, CALL WWM4M»WC. s © 1999 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. / All rights reserved. \yfr