Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 12, 1 December 1999 — Trask-Inouye [ARTICLE]

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Trustee Trask's clear vision in deducing the negative effect of politics on the fate of her people, and her determination to change this, is why she is so popular among Hawaiians. We are told the very powerful Senator Inouye has directed expenditure of $300 milhon in the past five years on heahh, education and housing for Native Hawaiians, yet statistics reflect how badly we have fared in the same time period. The facts underlying Trask's description of Inouye should be tormenting to her critics. Sen. Inouye says he has spent most of his life doing "everything possible to improve the lives and conditions of Native Hawaiians." Wewould hke to be grateful, but clearly, Inouye's battle on behalf of the Hawaiian people is, for us, a pyrrhic victory. Marisa Plemmer Hale'iwa OHA Trustee Mihlani Trask should apologize to Sen. Dan Inouye for calhng him a "onearmed bandit" and resign from her office immediately. As a former OHA trustee, I had the pleasure of working with Sen. Inouye for seven and one-half years until I retired in 1998 for medical reasons. Prior to OHA, I served nearly 10 years on the Maui County Council and seven years as Maui's Chief of Poliee, and I saw what Inouye did for us in sugar at the federal level. Inouye brought us milhons of dollars for Native Hawaiians and our programs: Housing, business, education, eulture and support for the long-asso-ciated poliee programs on the streets. As a World War II veteran and paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division, I thank Inouye for all he has done for our military programs in Hawai'i. Let's keep Inouye in Washington and thank him for all he has done for us Hawaiians instead of trying to discredit him. Abraham Aiona Maui Let me start out by saying I support the Native Hawaiians in their desires. I have also contributed many times to the cause. The remarks against Sen. Inouye are shocking and most disturbing. World War II involved the Hawaiian people as mueh as any other. Inouye is a distinguished veteran. What has Trask ever done for the United States or even the Hawaiian people? One thing she has and is doing is alienating all people against OHA and other pro-Hawai-ian groups. Get rid of her. Arthur Fink via the lnternet

I am disappointed in Mililani Trask's comments. I realize she does have the Hawaiian people's best interests in mind, but please think for just a bit before making public statements. Not only did she offend the Japanese and the disabled, but also many veterans. I happen to be of Okinawan ancestry, a 20-years-plus Navy veteran and disabled. The timing for this unfortunate ehoiee of words could not have been worse. Please be more careful. Emotional eomments ean get one into trouble. Eric Dickson via the lnternet We trust that OHA is ready to accept responsibility for the eomments of Mihlani Trask and her action on behalf of the organization. Brace yourself OHA. Your problem child will haunt you for years to eome. Jim Fox via the lnternet I am a veteran and would like to protest the inappropriate, reprehensible and poorly timed comments of Ms. Trask on the eve of Veterans Day whieh honors my fallen friends and comrades who fought for ffee speech and the liberties Ms. Trask and the rest of us enjoy. With comments such as hers, OHA will not get a lot of support from veterans and the people of Hawai'i. Jeff Hara via the lnternet Mililani Trask makes me ashamed I have ever supported OHA and the goals it strives for. There's no room in these islands for the hate, rancor and mean-spir-ited nastiness she's exhibiting to the entire world. If this is the kind of person who is supposed to win the hearts and minds of enough Americans and Hawaiians to help your cause, it will be a thousand years before anything happens. Tell her to go back to the dictionary and look up aloha. Tell her about the kindness and magnanimity of the islands' kings and queens, even when faced with more adversity than she will ever see. And tell her not to disparage those who sacrificed a lot more for freedom than she could ever understand. Her comments, her refusal to apologize and OHA's silence in the face of this kind of activity sicken me. You don't deserve sovereignty or anything close while people like her are your leaders. Bob Stambaugh via the lnternet The insulting comment toward Sen. Inouye by your Trustee Mililani Trask has caused me to retaliate against OHA and its mission. There is absolutely no excuse for her behavior. She has spoken as a trustee and OHA must pay the

penalty. Now I pledge my efforts against OHA and all it represents and I reject any efforts by my employees and associates to support the organization. Henry Daring via the lnternet So long as Mililani Trask remains an OHA trustee, I ean no longer support the organization or its objectives. Just as any business must accept responsibility for statements by officers, directors and management, so must OHA accept responsibihty for OHA's racist and insensitive remarks. Her insulting reference to Sen. Inouye has completely turned me against OHA and all it stands for. God bless Ameiiea and aloha to the thousands of intelligent and industrious people of Hawaiian descent who reject ignorant actions and behavior. Kimo Kane via the lnternet Certainly U.S. Sen. Dan Inouye would be the first to admit he is not infallible or clever like the newspapers groan. So who is to object? Certainly not Hawaiians in Hawaiian affairs, especially sovereignty, reparations and injustice over a century of violations of human rights and sufferings of Hawaiians of America, denial, apology in 1993 for the war crimes of 1893 detailed by indignant Democrat President Grover Cleveland demanding restoration of Queen Lili'uokalani, reparation and damages to the sovereign native Hawaiian people. Editorial sympathies for Inouye are misplaced in an American newspaper when constitutional rights are at issue. Mililani Trask, like Joan of Arc of ancient France, is a warrior for the sovereignty of the Hawaiian people and simply asks for kōkua. Arthur Trask Kaua'i I am deeply saddened by Ms. Trask's nonchalant attitude and recent comments toward Sen. Daniel Inouye. Being frustrated in one's job does not give one the right to name eall or behave hke a spoiled child. What good does it do to make comments about a person's physical appearance? OHA could lose credibility if the issues are clouded with hostility and ill will. Suz Strong via the lnternet To the two trustees who have decided to protest the Committee on Govemmental Affairs and Sovereignty, think about what you are doing, clamming up and resigning. Come on people! Theremarks about Sen. Inouye are old news. Let's get to business, get medical See LE i i ERS on page 3

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From page 2 programs necessary for our kūpuna. Enough talk about how we love our kūpuna. Now walk the talk. Do you feel you have hurt all Hawaiians because of words by one person, by not participating? Excuse me, but I don't understand your way of thinking. Your support should stay with the Hawaiian people. Shawna P. Okami-Rosehill via the lnternet Sen. Daniel Inouye has served his people and country well, with honor, distinction and integrity. He served in World War n in the U.S. Army and nearly lost his life . The senator has surely accounted for eaeh and every action under critieal scrutiny. To err and be insensitive is one thing; to err and make amends is another. I extend my aloha to the senator and wish him well during his brilliant career. Alvin Hinau Hawai'i We are embarrassed and saddened by Ms. Trask. Her divisive and disparaging remarks on Sen. Inouye are a manifestation of laek of education, immaturity and poor eommunieahon skills. Ms. Trask is the wrong messenger for the Hawaiian people and the sovereignty movement. She should be removed or should step down. Glenn Matsuki Los Angeles