Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 12, 1 December 1999 — Kēkēmapa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Editor's note: Events ofinterest to the Hawaiian community are included in the calendar on a space-available basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation ofthe event or the sponsor by OHA. lltni Dec. 23 — 18th Annual World Art Bazaar Visit the Honolulu Academy of Arts for its annual sale of exotic items from around the world including baskets, masks, ceramic, textiles, folk art, creches and hohday ornaments. Proceeds directly support the academy. 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tues. - Sat.; 1-5 p.m. Sundays, closed Mondays and Dec. 11. Honolulu Academy of Arts, Beretania St. across ffom Thomas Square. Free admission to the World Art Bazaar. Admission charge for exhibits. Parking at Linekona $1 with vahdation. For informatioa, eall 532-8701.

i' 6 f £ y > > ^ Dec. 4— Jg Honolulu City Lights

Honolulu Hale and the downtown district are aglow in this

15th annual celebration of hghts featuring family entertainmenl and costumec characters to

dehght all ages. 6 p.m. Tree Lighting Ceremony. Honolulu Hale. Free. For informa tion, eall 523-4385.

Dec. 4, 10 — "A Candlelight Christmas" The Mission Houses Museum eelebrates the holidays with volunteers in 19th century attire interpreting the first Christmas celebrations in the islands in the early- to mid-1800s. Carol singing, a harp and flute concert, food preparation and printing demonstrations are among the activities. 5-9 p.m. Mission Houses Museum, Honolulu. $7, $4 (keiki). For information, eall 5351-0481. Dec. 7 — "Forests under the Sea: Hawaiian Seaweed" The Hawai'i Volcanoes Nahonal Park*s After Dark in the Park continues with a presentation by Marine Biologist Dr.

Karla McDermid, chair of the UH Hilo marine science department. Slide program wih center around the more than 400 varieties of limu (seaweed) in Hawaiian waters and their cultural and scientific significance. Co-sponsored by the Hawai'i Natural History Association. For information, eall (808) 985-6014. Dec. 11 — Na Pua No'eau 10th Anniversary Leaders, participants and those interested in Nā Pua No'eau, the center for gifted and talented Hawaiian children, will gather at the UH Hilo center cafeteria for a pā'ina marking

NPN's first decade of service to the Hawaiian community. The program served approximately 500 Hawaiians the first year, and now serves 2,500 annually. Attendance at the scholarship fund-raising banquet is limited to 300. 5:30 p.m. UH Hilo. $10. For information, eall Dr. David Kekaulike Sing at 974-7678 (Hilo). Dec. 11 — Kilo Hoku at Haleakala Celebrate the season with star watching at Haleakalā Nahonal Park. Dress warmly, bring a red-filtered flashlight and a ■ warm beverage. Meet at Hosmer Grove. 6:30 p.m. Haleakalā Nahonal Park. Free. For information, eall 572-4459.

Dec. 14 — "Paving the Way: A History of Roads in Hawai'i's NationaI Parks" Historian Dawn Duensing presents a sfide program recalling how difficult the journey to national parks at Kīlauea and Haleakalā used to be due to lava flows, rough terrain and wet weather. The presenter will discuss early road builders and why and when the roads were built. Co-sponsored by the Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park and the Hawai'i Natural History Association. For information, eall (808) 985-6014.

i m _ I 9 12th Annual Winter Concert

The Volcano Arts Center pre- - sents " Christmas

Light," featuring dancers, singers and music in holiday tribute. 7 p.m. i Volcano Arts CenIK» ter, Hawai'i

voicanoes National Park. $3 suggested donation. For

informa- ^ tion, eall 9678222.

Dec. 18

Kawaiaha'o Concert k™ Kawaiaha'o Ministry of Music and Performing Arts presents its annual Christmas concert. 7 p.m. Kawaiaha'o Church. Free. For information, eall 5222-1333. D*c« 18 — Princess Pauahi's 168th birthday observance Princess Pauahi, founder of Kamehameha Schools and benefactor of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate, is remembered at Ali'i Sunday at Kawaiaha'o Church at 10:30 a.m. For information, eall 522-1333.

Dcc« 21 — A Loeal Divas Christmas > Melveen Leed, Loyal Garner, Carole Kai and Nohelani Cypriano are joined by The Krush in a Christmas extravaganza. 7:30 p.m. Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel's Hawai'i Ballroom. $25 - $30. For information, eall 931-8404. D«c* 24 — Keiki Christmas concert Aaron Mahi conducts the Honolulu Symphony in "A// 1 Got for Christmas" featuring Ballet Hawai'i. Concert will included music from Victor Herbert's " Babes in Toyland ," Respighi's "La Boutique Fantasque" and Tchaikovsky's " Nutcracker ," in an interactive performanee designed for keiki ages 3-12 and their families. For tickets and information, eall 792-2000. ■

Pauahi and Lili'u Pākī, hānai sisters, would grow up to become Mrs. Charles Reed Bishop and Oueen Lili'uokalani. Their legacies of the Kamehameha Schools and the Queen Lili'uokalani Chidren's Center serve thousands of Hawaiians today.