Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1999 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

» Hawaii can share in $185 Billion.

But first you haue to do a little paperworh.

Start HereX use a 4. What is Person 1's telephone number? We may catt black or blue pen. this person if we don't understand an answer |||| HK 1 . How many people were living or staying in this Area Code + Number house. apartment or mobile home on Apnl 1. 2000? ^H ^ ^ and what^ date of birtf)? 2. U thb^(WM. apa^menl,' or mobll* honw 7 ^ """ ■ « ^ Q Owned by you or («,■»(«« «h a ° ™ SP»»siVHispan«Wlno • Pumo «n« , |B mongage w kwn? □ Yes. Mexicao. Mewao Am., CWe«no . □ Yes. Cutoi ■ H| 00vmetlbyYO«oes<»oeonfffn(his househdWffeeand □ Yes, olher Sper»sWHisi>amcAairio - Piwi group ? ■ H|j dear (wrthoot a mortgege or ioani? ■ •• MMku' ;■,-■-',% BH II o „ . . mdicate what this person considers himsetf/herself to be. H Wm 3. Please answer the following questions for eaeh r-i person living in this house. apartment, or mobile LJ WhiLe home Start with the name of one of the people Q Bteck. African Am., or Negro living here who owns. is buying, or rents this Q ine&an ^ /yaska — pmt enro«ed or ponopai uibe zr WĒ Br house, apartment, or mobile home. ff there is no ••• ' .. WĒ H§§. such person, start with any aduft living or staying here. We will refer to this person as Person 1. t #. , ^^»^4 , What is this person's name? Pnnl name bebw Q Asian ln<Jian Q Japanese Q Native Hawaiian i|ll Mm, f omb No. 0607-0856. Approv«i e *pires 12/31/2000 *♦ lf more people live here, continue with hHE

When you don't fill out Census 2000, your community could miss out on its fair share of billions of dollars in ^unitedstates federal funds. Your answers help determine how communities will share over $185 billion eaeh year. That ^©HSUS public money will help provide the things your community needs like schools, day care centers and hospitals. 2000 This is your future. Don't leave it hlank.