Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1999 — Selected Hawaiian sovereignty resources [ARTICLE]
Selected Hawaiian sovereignty resources
A resource list of Hawaiian self-determination and related issues
To address numerous inquiries on sovereignty, the Puhlie Information Office of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs has compiled a partial listing of materials that provide background and help clarify some of the issues
and diverse points of view. The listing will be posted on OHA's website. Because we would like to keep it current with constant updates, Ka Wai Ola o OHA invites our readers to suggest possible additions. Mahalo!
Videos Tom Coffman, Nation Within (1-800-804-1711) Elizabeth Lindesy, Then There Were None (591-0059) Puhipau, Act of War (591 -0059) Lynn Waters, The Hawaiians (597-1888) Publications B!aisdeli, Kekuni, Ka Pākaukau's Position Statements, July 15, 1993. . "1995 Update on Kanaka Maoli (lndigenous Hawaiian) Healih " Revised abstract of a paper presented at the Asian American and Pacific lslander Health Summit, San Francisco: June 21-24, 1995. Cleveland, Grover, Written Address to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, Washington: December18, 1893. Dudley, Miehael Kioni, and Keoni Keaioha Agard, A Call for Hawaiian Sovereignty, Honolulu: Nā Kāne O Ka Malo Press, 1990. Daws, Gavan, "Shoal of Time: A History of the Hawaiian lslands( Honoiulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1974. Hasager, Ulla, and Jonathan Friedman, eds., Hawai'i: Return to Nationhood, Copenhagen: 1994. Hawai'i Admission Act, Public Law 86-3, 73 Stat 4, March 18, 1959. Hawai'i Advisory Committee, Report to the United States Commission on Civil Rights, A Broken Trust— The Hawaiian Homelands Program: Seventy Years of Failure of the Federal and State Governments to Protect the Civil Rights of Native Hawaiians, December 1991. Hawaiian Sovereignty Advisory Commission, Final Report, Honolulu: February 18, 1994. Hui Na'auao, "Models of Sovereignty-Critical Analysis" December 1994.
Ka Lāhui Hawai'i, A Compilation of Sovereignty Educational Materials, 1993. . Ho'okupu a Ka Lāhui Hawai'i: The Master Plan, 1995. . "Symposium for Sovereignty" Honolulu: February 20, 1995. Ka Pākaukau, Ka Mana O Ka 'Āina (The Power of the Land), Newsletter of the Pro-Kanaka Maoli lndependence Working Group, January 15, 1995. . "Ka Pākaukau's Position on Five lssued' (Revision), Presented for Hui Na'auao Kame'eleihiwa, Lilikalā, "Native Land and Foreign Desires" Honoiulu: Bishop Museum, 1992 Kamehameha VI, Letter of greetings from the restored Kingdom of Hawai'i, Honolulu: June 7, 1992. Kent, Noel J„ "Hawaii: lslands Under the lnfluenee" Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1993. Laenui, Pōkā, "Hawaiian lndigenous Rights, Decolonization and Democratic ldeals: A tough balancing actf' Paper presented for Multi-Cultur-alism in Global Perspective Public Lecture Series, Program for Cultural Studies, East-West Center, Honolulu: July 1994. Lili'uokalani, "Hawai'i's Story by Hawai'i's Oueen ," Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. MacKenzie, Melody Kapilialoha, ed„ Native Hawaiian Rights Handbook, Honolulu: Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1991. Office of Hawaiian Affairs, A pamphlet on the establishment and functions of OHA, A Publication of the Pubiic lnformation Office, OHA, 1999. The Peopie's lnternational Tribunal, "lntroduction to the Verdict of the lnternational People's Tribunal Hawai'i, August 1993," Ka Ho'okolokolonui Kanaka Maoli, October 1, 1995.
Roth, Randall W„ ed„ "The Price ofParadise (Voiume II)" Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1 993. Sherry, Paul, President, United Church of Christ, An Apology to Nā Kanaka Maoli, Kaumakapili Church, Honolulu: January 17, 1993. Trask, Haunani-Kay, " The Birth ofthe Modern Hawaiian Movement: Kalama Valley, O'ahu" "The Hawaiian Journal ofHistory" Honolulu: Hawaiian Historical Society, 1987. . "From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawai'i " Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1993. United Nations General Assembly, Resolution 66 (I), List of Non-Self-Governing Territories enumerated in General Assembly Resolution 66 (I), December 14, 1946. Newspaper articles Honolulu Advertiser April 19, 1992 November 28, 1 993 July 12, 1995 August 13, 1995 October29, 1995 November24, 1995 November 27, 1995 February 22, 1 996 Honolulu Star-Bulletin Apnl 19, 1992 August 24, 1995 June 15, 1996 Community Resources Marion Kelly (mkelly@hawaii.edu) Lynette Cruz (lcruz@hawaii.edu) Pōkā Laenui (plaenui@pixi.com) Ku'umealoha Gomes (lgomes@hawaii.edu) Kekula Bray Crawford (kekula@aloha.net) Noenoe Silva (noenoe@hawaii.edu) ■