Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 12, 1 December 1999 — OHA opinion poll [ARTICLE]

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OHA opinion poll

According to the November Ka Wai Ola , 80 percent of Hawaiian respondents say a sovereign Hawaiian government should be governed by an elected leader, 20 percent favor a monarchy. May I point out that after the ascension of Kauikeaouli, Hawai'i evolved as a constituhonal monarchy - similar to Great Britain with Ehzabeth as a monarch. The prime min-

ister ffom the House of Commons, an elected legislative branch actually decides major policy. The monarch is the nominal head of state. For the primary reason, the overthrow of 1893 deposed only the nominal head of state, not the nation. In the same hne of reasoning, deposing Queen Elizabeth does not terminate the constitutional monarchy. Chen Wei-Yin Honolulu OHA reserves the right to edit all letters for length, defamatory and libelous material, and other objectionable content, and reserves the right to print on a space available basis. Letters are authorized for publication on a one-letter, per subject, per year basis. The inclusion ofa letter author's title is a courtesy extended by Ka Wai Ola and does not constitute validation or recognition of the writer as such. All letters must be typed, signed and not exceed 200 words. All letters, including e-mail letters, must include the author's full name,postal mailing address and telephone number for confirmation purposes. Send letters to Ka Wai Ola o OHA, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500, Honolulu, Hl 96813. Readers ean also e-mail their letters to oha@aloha.net. H