Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 November 1999 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
» Hawaii can share in $185 Billion. 0 But first you haue to do a little paperwork.
IStart Wexe/^e se a 4. What is Person 1's telephone number? We may eall « black or blue pen. this person if we don 't understand an answer. wm l|p: 1 . How many people were living or staying in this + |||| K' house, apartment. or mohile home on April 1, 2000? \ ]' * { V'.; H| Hp .. ■ n Number of people _ H B§ 15. What is Person Vs sex? Mark ® ONE box ■ K INOLUOE m this nu=mber □ Maie □ Pemale M Kll • foster ch4dren. roomers, or housemares * nootf»f p^nwem ,, What is Person 1's age and what is Person 1's date of • people in a correctionat fac«hty. nursing home. or Mo",h S$ Yearofbinh . jĒj 18 menial hospitat on April 1. 2000 • Armed Forces personnel living somewhere else H I» of the time NOTE: Ptease answer BOTH Questions 7 and 8. B Ipl 2. b «M. hom.. apartment, or mobile home b P« mn 1 Sparv Mark ® the " No " □ Owned by you or someane m this househdd wnh 3 P ^0' 001 sPan,s^'sPan,c^t'no O Yes- Rican jfjjj mortgage or loan? □ Yes. Me*'can. Mex«can Am . Ch«^no □ Yes. Cuban « Hp □ Owned by you or someone in fhs hou$ehoto free and □ Yes. °ther Sp3msh/Hispamc/Latir>o — Pwit group. ? Hp dear (without a mortga9e or fQ8ni? -$&&& - 'V , □ ofcashrent? 0 £ I H 8. What is Person Vs n»? Mark (2 one or more racts to K 0 mdicate what this person considers himseif/herself to be. 3. Please answer the following questions for eaeh , WM Bjjjp. person living in this house. apartment or mobile LJ White home Start wrth the name of one of the people □ Black. African Am , or Negro living here who owns. is buying, or rents this □ Anl9nC3n lndan0r Alaska Net,ve - Pnwoawei enrolM » pmemi tnt». =. ■ | house. apartment, or mobile home. If there »s no lfff| Mp such person, start with any adult living or staying here. We will refer to this person as Person 1. - What is this person's name? Pnnt name Peiow □ Asian lnd^n □ japanese □ Nat.ve Hawauan H WĒ Hg * • ' v Q Fj(pino O Vietnamese □ Samoao |B WĒk . vs sa 085& Approvai ExpirM i2/3V2000 lf more people live here, continue with Person 2. lMMm ^E'
When you don't fill out Census 2000, your community could miss out on its fair share of billions of dollars in ^united states federal funds. Your answers help determine how communities will share over $185 hillion eaeh year. That ^6HSUS public money will help provide the things your community needs like schools, day care centers and hospitals. 2000 This is your future. Don't leave it hlank.