Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 November 1999 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iinl REP0RT Fiscal Yearto Date Sept. 31
Cash received Ceded land revenue: $0 State general fund: $ 2,550,922 Federal grants: $51.293 Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (NHRLF) interest: $ 67,766 Hawaiian projects: $ 163 Native Hawaiian rights: $4,329 Other revenue: $ 15,406 Native plant project sales: $4,046 Portfolio ineome reinvested: $2,593,182 Total cash recei ved: $ 5,287,107 Disbursements and encumbrances* Operations/Programs Payroll: $ 1,239,538 All other costs: $ 2,492,828 GSPD grants:** $ 115,600 Educational Council: $ 20,330 Native plant projects: $46,206 NHRLF loan distributions: $ 114.500 Native Hawaiian rights: $0 Hawaiian projects: S0 Other BOT actions: $ 1,436,009 Investment fees: $ 356,601 Total disbursements and encumbrances: $ 5,821,612 OHA Cash investments Treasury cash*** General funds: $2,511,383 Public land trust: $7,256,426 Hawaiian projects fund: $ 296,083 Native Hawaiian rights fund: $ 136,454 NHRLF: $2.154,09!
Federal grants: $ 35,681 lnstitutional cash Bank of Hawai'i: - Money market account: $ 6,356 First Hawaiian Bank: - Funding account: $ 106,065 - Home improvement account: $ 688,004 - Loan program repayments: $ 1,534.599 NHRLF: T-bills and money market: $ 8,470,287 NHRLF: Time deposit account: $ 1.000.000 Small distribution fund (petty cash): $ 10,000 lnvestment portfolio (market value) STIF account: $27,715,420 Equities (stocks): $ 185,443,177 Fixed ineome (bonds); $ 103,490,859 Total cash and investments: $ 340,854,885 Unbudgeted commitments***** OHA/DHHL loans: $ 14,408,634 Hawai'i Habitat loans: $6,381,076 Educational foundation: **** GSPD: **** All other: $ 8,885,340 Total unbudgeted commitments: $ 29,675,050 * FY00 appropriations only. ** In addition to FY00 grants executed, may include prior awards. *** Includes restricted cash for encumbrances **** To be determined ***** Net of disbursements and encumbrances Editor's note: The 2000 fiscal year began on July 1, 1999. Therefore, this report reflects three months of operations.