Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 November 1999 — Burial Notice [ARTICLE]
Burial Notice
NOTlCE IS HEREBY G1VEN that Odgen Environmental and Energy Services ine., representative of Hiluhilu Dcvclopment LLC, landowner, of Tax Map Key 7-2-05:01, has discovered unmarked burial sites on lands in the ahupua'a of Kau, North Kona, Island of Hawai'i. Proper treatment of the remains shall occur in accordance with Chapter 6E, HRS, regarding unmarked burial sites. It is intended that the remains will be preserved in plaee. Thc following individuals have heen identified from historical and data as having resided in the ahupua'a. Paalua, Land Patent 8265, Māhele Award 13-B (appliealion by Jula B. Egan), Kaohimaunu, Hoopulaau, Puhilaolao. Kuapuu and Kaiama. Descendants who onee lived in thc aforementioned ahupua'a, and who may have knowledge rearding these remains should eontact Mr. Kalā'au Wahilani at (808) 587-0010 fo the State Historic Preservation Division within 30 days of this noliee to present information regarding appropriate treatment. Individuals responding must be able to adequately demonstrate a family connection to the remains or to the ahupua'a.