Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1999 — Job opportunity, Hawaiian Studies [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Job opportunity, Hawaiian Studies

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Position No. 83224. Center for Hawaiian Studies, School of Hawaiian. Asian and Pacific Studies. full time, 9 monUi. tenure track, beginning Jan. 1. 2000. pending availability of funds and position clearance. Dutics: Teach lower division courses on traditional Hawaiian navigalion, Hawaiian methods of taro cultivation. and an introductory course in Hawaiian Studies, teach major required courses where appropriate, help develop upper division courses on ahupua'a administration, Pana Pae 'Āina, and Hawaiian Resource Management [Mālama Hawai'i), advise students and participate in appropriate University and Program committees. Minimum Qualifications: A doctorate from a college or university of recognized standing in a field of study closely allied lo Hawaiian culture. history. language, geography, and /or arts (ABD ntay be considered); fluency in Hawaiian and English language, including the ability to translate, do research, and teach in Hawaiian and English; demonstrated commitment to research; considerable knowledge of Hawai'i and the Pacific; demonstrated eompelenee as a teacher and demonstrated scholarly achievement. Desirab!e qualifications: Experience in teaching courses in Hawaiian Studies. especially Hawaiian navigation and/or experience in sailing double hulled canoes; demonstrated knowledge of Hawaiian cultural traditions; diverse experience in working with the Hawaiian community on issues of land and culture. Minimum Annual Salary: $34,644. To Apply: Send letter of application with current vitae, three letters of recommendation and any relevant material to Dr. Lilikalā Kame'eleihiwa, Director, Center for Hawaiian Studies, 2645 Dole Street. Kamakakūokalani 209A, UH Mānoa, Honolulu, Hl 96822. Inquiries: (808)973-0989. Closing Date: 12/01/99. EEO/AA Employer. ■