Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 10, Number 11, 1 November 1999 — "Ua Ao" 2000 [ARTICLE]
"Ua Ao" 2000
'īho'ulaokalani, the eoahhon of kumu hula and cultural prachhoners dedicated to the preservahon and protechon of Hawai'i's cultural environment, has scheduled its third annual fund-raiser for Jan. 15 at the Andrews Amphitheater at 5 p.m. "'Ua Ao Hawai'i' is a concert of hula and music that is both entertaining and educahonal," said Coahhon President Vicky Holt Takamine. "Our goal is to include as many hālau who are ready and willing to work in supporting our cause. We have been successful in stop-
ping legislation that would be detrimental to our land and eulture, and need increased support to meet the big challenges ahead." "A repertoire of oli and hula is being taught for the January eoncert, and kumu and a maximum of 10 students are invited to prachee sessions held Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at the Center of Hawaiian Studies at UH Mānoa," said concert coordinator Leinā'ala KalamaHeine. "Material this year will be taught by Pualani Kanahele, Hōkūlani Holt Padiha, Aheia Smith, Sonny Ching and myself." Participating hālau will be asked to participate throughout the year at 'Ilio'ulaokalani activiries. Concert rickets will be available at $ 15 (children 10 and under free) in mid-November. For information on tickets or concert parricipation, eall Mehanaokalā Hind at 973-0979. See NEWSBRIEFS on page 9