Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1999 — ʻOHANA REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
Kahanaoi / Pomaikai — A reunion is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 24, at Pōka'ī Bay Beach Park, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Potluck, games, door prizes, 'ohana awards and more. Bring genealogy and photos. Descendants include Kauwe, Apiki, Kanawaliwali, Ikeole, Pekelo, Kaopuiki, Cockett, McCabe, Jones, Wong, Padeken, Kamakawiwoole, Akona, Keliihananui and others. Call ieanne and David Kahanaoi at 668-791 1, or Howard Kahanaoi, 961-4655 (Hilo). Kahiona — E nā lehulehu o tupuna Maheau Kahiona, e ho'i houkākou. Descendants of Maheau Kahiona are planning a reunion for July, 2000, in Kona. 'Ohana includes the descendants of Minnie Kalua Nailima, Emma Kealoha, Sarah Kekai Requilman and perhaps others we are not aware of. Also invited are descendants of Maheau Kahiona's siblings: Maikunu, Maihui, Kalea and Noa. For information, eall Lucy (Y niques-Naili-ma) Meyer, P .O. Box 365, Laupāhoehoe, HI 96764, 962-6166; Clara (Naihma) Yniques, 8830723 (Hawai'i); Judy (Yniques Nailima) Siazon, 625-1082 (O'ahu); Reno Kapo (Mercado-Kealo-ha) Villaren, 941-4266 (O'ahu); Larson (Kealoha) Mondina, 637-9626 (O'ahu). Kahunanui/ Maihui — The descendants of Paul Kahunanui and Ehzabeth K. Maihui of Kaupō, Maui, are planning a reunion, Sept. 22 - 24, 2000. Contact Harry Kahunaui, president of the reunion committee, at (808) 878-3420; and Boyd Mossman, recorder, at (808) 244-2121. We wih more than happy to send you past minutes and update the 'ohana on what's being done and what need to be done. Aloha kākou. Hope to see you ah there Kamahele — The descendants of Clement John Kamahele are planning a reunion for Sat., July 1, 2000. For information, eall Debbie Armour at 487-6022 or Wilham "BuUy" Apele at 682-4320. Manner — Descendants of Francis Jacob (Kekai) Manner Sr. and Mildred Montero Manner are planning their first family reunion the weekend of July 15, 2000, in Honolulu. Please contact Moana (Manner) Kerlegan at (510) 471-3071 or write to 34430 Benedick Lane, Fremont, CA 94555. Pauole/Halalu/Aiai — A reunion is planned for June 30 - July 3, 2000, at Salt Pond Park, Hanapēpē, Kaua'i, for the descendants of Joseph Aiai and Anuali; WiUiam Aiai Pauole and Mary
Pualoke Samuel; and Andrew Pauole and Elizabeth Ka'ahulani Kekapa, all of Hanapepe. For information, eall Edna Santos and Bonnie Ann Dela Cruz 887-5680, Kekapa Lee at 661-4784 (Maui) or write to P.O. Box 455, Lahaina, HI 96767. Piohia — The descendants of Piohia and Koleka Kaaumoana are planning their first 'ohana reunion. An information potluck luneheon is scheduled for Dec. 4, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Pukalani Pool in Upcountry, Maui. We invite aU the families of Kupa Piohia, Lahela Kalauakaua, Ekekela Kalaaupa, Keomaka Pale, Kaukau Kaneaikala, Kia Lawaia, Mele Kepani/Smythe (Uu, Kaleo), Elena Wahia Ii, Nahinu Piohia, Keaka Piohia, Namauu Piohia. Bring your luneh and mana'o, and help to plan the big reunion scheduled for next summer. For information, eall or write: On O'ahu, Ruben Paet, P. O. Box 1873, Wai'anae, HI 96796, ph. 696-0376; Poe — Descendants of Wallaee Poe Nui are invited to attend an important planning meeting on Sunday, Nov. 7, at 3 p.m. regarding the "'Ohana Poe 2000 Reunion." For loeahon and information, eall Sonny Poe at (808) 696-8584, or toll-free at 9 (888) 879-5791; Gregg Meyer at (8080) 395-9010; or Suzette (Kēhau) Hanohano at (8080) 696-8904. Spencer — The descendants of Francis McFarlane Spencer and his wives: Sarah Smith and Martha Daniels, are planning a family reunion the weekend of Aug. 5, 2000, in Waimea, Hawai'i. They need kokua to organize maUing Usts, eommittees and genealogy information. Please kokua by contacting: on O'ahu, Sarah Mendoza at 2477188, or Audry Brooks at 488-6775; In Waimea, Bea Nobriga at 885-7088, or Cynthia Spencer at 885-5761. ■ In Memoriam — Members ofPūkana 'o Kanialama. afamil\ association numbering more than 1.000 relatives, announced the passing of David Miehael Kaipolaua'eokekuahiwi Inciong Sr. Born at Kilauea, Kaua'i, Mr. lnciong was 80 years old. A.v past chairman of Pūkana 'o Kanialama for 12 vears, Mr. Inciong also received numerous awards and recognition for service to his eommunity and church, and for athletics . Aloha nō ... ■