Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1999 — Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ni; ; z pi' : e pi' : e nn it p1' : e nn it nn i ī~ nnif~ nn ir ŪILLO, HILLŪ, UiLLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UlLLO, UILLO, duk ni> pi* 1 ^ pn 1 ^ pii i j pi* ■ ^ p i ■ ■ ^ nii ■ nn ■ ^ UILLO, ŪILLO, UlLLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, niu«. nn 1 r nj» ■ » nil |-f DJ' ! D1M C nil I f~ nil I f ŪU ' 2 UILLO, OILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, ntu,f nm» pii ■ » pi' ■ r OU ' 2 DiM-2" Qi!. ! 2 nil lf~ nil I f~ UILLO, UILLO, uILlO, UILLO, UILLO, UILLO, UlLLO, UILLO, UILLO, m, BSllo, B!LLo, B!LLo, BfLto, B!LLo, B!lLS, Wā, B!LLo, nnir niMf piia# diu 5 nn i r dii i UILLO, DILLD, u1LLD, UILLO, ulLLu, ūiLL I I Consolidate your bills into one with a PayAnyDay' Loan.
! 12.251 IBill Consolidation Loan 24-month fixed rate term n
Streamlining your debt and your life. That's what the PayAnyDay Loan is all about. You don't v\astc time paying bill after bill becausc you make just one payment a month — on any day of the month you
choo.se. We're the only financial institution around that lets you do that. You also save money on the interest from all your bills by consolidating your debt at one of the lowest rates in the state. Whieh beats the high interest you pay with credit cards or loans from somewhere else. To apply, visit any branch or eall Loan by Phone at 643-LOAN (5626).
* lnterest rate is 12.25%, whieh includes a discount Jor automatic payment from a First Hawaiian Bank eheekin^ aeeoum, otherwise 0.25% higher. Based on a $10,000 loan amoum, the annual percentage rate is 12.25% and there would be 24 monthly principal and interest payments of 5470.73. Promotional rate good through 10/31/99. www.jhb.com