Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 10, 1 October 1999 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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cy\ BOARD O F TRUSTE ES \ Rowena Akana % | Chairperson & Trustee-At-Large i Hannah Kihalani Springer Vice-Chair & Trustee, Hawai'i \ Haunani Apoliona Trustee-At-Large \ A. Frenchy DeSoto Trustee-At-Large (Miiilani B. Trask Trustee-At-Large \ Louis Hao Trustee, Maui Qbyton Hee TruStee, O'ahu Moses K. Keale Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau § CoIette Y. Pi'ipi'i Machado | Trustee, Moloka'i & LĀna'i ADMINISTRATION \ RandallOgata I Administrator F%blished by the (. )ffke of Hawaiian A ffairs i \ Puhlie Injvrrnation Office Ryan Mielke f*UBLIC lNFORMATION OFFICER Jayson Harper publications specialist Manu Boyd PauBiT)urbin Pu blic ATIONS Editors L r, Lei Lonoiea PIO Secretaby Charles Ogata volunteer " '/ Ka Wai Ola o OHA "The Lwing Water ofOHA" Publtshed mutf|hly by ih,e Olliee of Hawaiian Affairs, 7 1,1 Kapi'olam Boifevar<J, Jrh tloor. Honolulu, Hawai'i 968P3. Telephone: 594-1 £,8C or ! -800-468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: |941865. E-mail: oha®!tia.net. World Wide Web loc|flon: http://www.oha.org. Cirt,ulation: 70,000 copies, 60,000 ot whieh are distributed hy iriRtt£,000 through island offi^6s, state and county offices, private arii^)mmuntty agencies and target gtoups and individuats. Ka Wat Ok o OHA ts printed by RFD Pubiicattons, ine. Hawaiian fonts ar^teivtded by Goconut irtfo. Graphtcs are from Click Hawaiian Art, 't£96 Varet/Cl. Adverirtsing in Ka Wai Ola o OHA does not ccfettitute an endorsemep.t of products or individuals by the Off»te of Hawaiian : \ffaiu \ Ka Wiv)Qla o OHA is published by tjj« Office of Hawaiian Affatrs tO;l^elp infotm its Hawaiian beneficiaries and other interested parties about Hawatian\sues and activittes and OHA prograW^and efforts. Even» of interest to the Hawaiian communtty are tethided in the Calendar on a space availahie hasis. !nclusion di*s'«ot amstifute endorsement or validation of the event or the by the Ofīice of Hawaiian Affairs. Notice to Readers: Ka Wai Oki o OHA wiil accept ft.r cortstderation news re}6ases and letters to the editor on topics |hf relevance and int^est to . OHA and Hawaiians, as well as d8&sdar events and«umon notices. Ka Wai Olao OHA reserves tāe j|ght to edit-ail materi}d for length and content, or not to puhlKtt<K avaiiahle space of t'ther considerations may require. Ka Wai O k > OHA does nOt 4ccept unsolicited manusciipts, Deadline }c# submisstons is the etghth day of every month. Late submlssions are considered only m >ispace-3vailable basis. ::A|6i3py: "f ri:e|newspaper :s mailed each month to the t>!dest registered OHA voter at eaeh address, to be shared by the household. Tt> e.'iu imo receivfRg Ka Wm Ola o OHA, please remember to vote ih eaeh eleehon. Our mailing list is based on the OHA voter hsts an4.;t'Mfi the city and county cierks purge the list of non-voters. , .;tr h'i il-o affecte i Mahalo' FOR ADVERTIStNG RATES, CALL WORLD PRESS INC. AT 627-1327 | © 1999 Oft'ice of Hawaiian Affairs. / %, All rights reserved.