Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 10, 1 October 1999 — Independence ed [ARTICLE]

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Independence ed

Rowena Akana used the word "independence" to describe the education OHA will be conducting. Independence is not a new concept. However, it has been used to cover up the real intentions of the chairperson and other trustees never involved with taro roots movement to mislead the people who have the majority of the people's ears, who support independence and could support it financially, because the program is meant to be. To cut to the chase, OHA trustees could unglue themselves from the State of Hawai'i by swearing allegiance to the 1864 constitution, sign the documents and complete the process of becoming a full-fledged Hawaiian, subject to the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom. You'd save the money squandered on aimless projects meant to fail, and put it into a useful project instead. Independence also means respecting the treaties Hawai'i has with 13 other eountries today, applying aloha to everything we say and do, thanking God for everything he has done for all living things and living in a society that honors positive attributes as humans. Is OHA really ready for independence? We will work and see what the true intentions reveal in the days ahead of us. Ihe Larsen hinahon @ilhawaii. net See LE i i ERS on page 3