Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1999 — OHA [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


BOARD OP TRUSTEES \ 7 \ Rowena Akana Cnai >n & Trustee-At-Large \ Hannah Kihalani Springer Vicc-Chair & Trustee, Hawai'i \ Haunani Apoliona T RUSTEE- AT-LAROE \A. Frenchy DeSoto Trustee- At-La rge Wililani B. Trask T rostee-At-Large \ Louis Hao TRustee, Maui Qayton Hee TruUtee, O'ahu Moses BL Keale $r. Trustee, Kama'i & Ni'ihau Colette Y. Pi'i^i'i ||Machado Trustee, Moeoka'i & LĀna'i \ADMINISTRATION Randall Ogata AominisVrator nMished by the Ofpce ofHautaiian Affairs lW Public b)£prmation Office Rftfn Mielke F*uouc )Npormatk>n Officer Jayson Harper Puouoatk>ns Speciaust Mauu Boyd Pauia Purbin Pu»licatkVr» EorroRs Lei Lon>;iea PIO seoretam Charles Ogata voeunteer Ka Wai Ola o OHA >^The Living o/OHA" Pubiished mo|khiy by tiW DffiCE o( Hawaiian Affairs, 7 Kapi'oiani BoulcVard, floor, Honolulu, Hawai'i 968 n. līeiephone: 594-WWm» i-800-468-4644 ext. 41888, Fax: ?941865. G-mail: ohaOalnha.net. World Wide Web locjtion: hrtp://www,oha.org. qhuilation: 70,000 copies, 60,000 of whieh are dlstnbuted by nuii, 7,000 thfough tsland otfipes, state ' and county offtces, private aA(jhtoratnunity agencies nitd target gtoup6 und individualt. Ka Wai Oie, o OHA is prin(Kl by RFD |\ Publicarions, īne, Hawaiian fonts ar«tpvtded by ( J6conuc Info. j y>aphics are from Click Hawaīian Aif, J^96 Van=/Cl. Adver«Mng in Kp WaiOla o 0 HA does not enHaneUuie an endorsemenr of pfoducts or individuals by the C *ft jte of Hawauan / Ka WaeOla a OHA is published by i i>e Office of Hawaiian Affoii^Blii lp infonn its Hawaiian l eneficiaries and other interestB® j>.faies about Hawaiiai^ i ,ues and activities and OHA prograM„md eiium. Evew|i of interest to the Hawaiian community arē uvyuded in ilt«!i"alendar on a space available b.e.is. Inolusion doy«V>ot conrfjjirit endoiscment or validation of J the event or ihe spoHk by thb Office of Hawanan Affairs. Notihc Readers: . ' Ka Wai Qla a OPĪA will aeeepi fcr consideration news re|fases and letters to the editor on tujSe»<4Lrelevance and intrtest to I OHA and Hawaiiaiu, as well as cSfc. ' r events and"reunton vnoi ices. Ka Wai Ola < , QHA reserves theyjght ro edit all mater|Hfet for iength and eoneeni, or not io puMt&tg* avxiiable space ther considerattons may require. Ka X ... OHA does noi (ieeepi unsohcited manuscttpts. Deadline tat submissions is the ■ ihth d.iy of every moneh. Late submis»ii)ns are considered only on gjjnacc-availablebasis. A copy uf^^^ewspaper is mailedefech month to the oldest registered 014 jfc voter at eaeh aJdress, to be shared by the houeehokl Tq oA|inuc n<xiv\jfKa Wai QIa o OHA, please rcmrmber tO vote;m ejch >:lr-,.rti*r. Our mailing ltst is based on the OHA voter lists ahd wben the city and county clerks purge ihe lut of non-voters, oe?th^,iUo affected. Mahalo! FOR AOVERtl6(«B RATE8, call world pwts ; ino. at 627-t3Bk / © I999 0ffice of Hawaiian Affairs. | " . All rights re*ervcd.