Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 9, 1 September 1999 — Makeke [ARTICLE]
Classifieds only $12.50.
Type or clearly write your 24'Word-or'less ad and mail to: OHA, 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813. Make eheek payable to the Oflfice of Hawaiian AfFairs.
$50,000-MAUI, WAI'ŌHULI RES1DENTIAL LOTS: Best offer eall Hairiet at 808-259-8352. 50 percent Hawaiian. Size: .961 acres. GENEALOGY RESEARCH: Professional Genealogy Research Services. Also assist with DHHL applications research. Hourly and flat rates. Beautiful family books designed and printed. Doc-
uments, photos, genealogy reports and charts included. Mainland and loeal clients weleome. Please leave a message at 1-808-488-5243. We deliver professional, excellent and quality work. FOR SALE-10 ACRES (PASTORIAL): Pu'ukapu, Waimea, Big Island, Lot 86. Pleasecall: 808-885-0411 or808-885-7461.
BOOKKEEPING AT YOUR SERVICE: QuickBooks® Software, Payroll, Personal Tax Returns, Microsoft® Word and Excel Software, Notary Services, and more... Call 808-247-0393. MANA LŌKAHI CHIROPRACTIC CENTER: Embracing the traditional native Hawaiian attitude toward health and well-being while providing an inte-
grated approach of traditional Hawaiian practices with the westem healing art of chiropractic. Dr. Pauahi Lozano, eall: 808-486-9410, address: 98-020 Kamehameha Hwy., Ste. 201, 'Aiea 96701. GENEALOGY, CREATING FAMILY BOOKS AT YOUR SERVICE: Computerized data entry and photo scan eompilalion. Family Group Sheets, Trees,
and Genealogy print options. Call808-247-0393. HO'OLEHUA, MOLOKA'I HAWAIIAN HOMES LOT: On paved road, water and electric, access minutes to airport, schools, beaches. 5acres. $25,000. Call Paul (Hilo). (808)9616837. ■