Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1999 — Convention delegates meet [ARTICLE]
Convention delegates meet
ĪHE 66 delegates elected Jan. 17 to represent their districts at the Native Hawaiian Convention met July 31 to start their process. Swearing-in ceremonies at 'īolani Palaee were followed by the opening session of the convention in the House of Representatives Chambers of the capitol. During their first meeting, the delegates agreed on their rules of order, discussed the plaee of Hawaiian values and the Hawaiian language and elected officers: Charles Rose, chairperson; Keoni Agard, first vice chairperson; Becky Kawaihae-Rodriguez, second vice chiarperson; Mahealani Kamau'u, secretary and James Woolsey, treasurer. ■