Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1999 — WIPCE manamana ho'omana [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

WIPCE manamana ho'omana

> jfl f -! m ■ ■ ^ jSK P vj TRUSTEE MESSAGES

August 1, 1999 (Sunday) 5 a.m. - Hawai 'i Naniloa Hotel, Hilo KA LĀ peaks over the horizon, Lono's manele snaps in the wind, the hustle and bustle begins as nā moku'āina o Keawe prepares to weleome their guests with formal ceremonies, beginning at 8 a.m., and with a parade of nations. As special guest of the WIPCE, I was escorted over to Wailoa park where the ceremonial wa'a and other wa'a delivered the dignitaries from the Makali'i to the shore where Ulu Garmon responded to requests in chant to land. Chants of weleome resounded throughout the park with amazing coordination and focus. We were then loaded on a shuttle for transport over to the kauhale where the 'awa ceremonies were held. MANA. I am overwhelmed by the depth of coordination, preparation, dedication and commitment by all individuals. Hundreds of dancers representing eaeh island performed in sync, as all the pahu reverberated in sync. Kaipo Frias and Kekuhi Kanahele proved masters in leadership. Literally dozens of individuals were implementing their assignments, everyone vital to the success of the ceremony. I am so proud! MANA. Wth a break between the 'awa ceremony and the parade of nations, I was able to rest and refiesh myself to be able to report to Wong Stadium at 3:30 p.m. It was wonderful to see John Defiies, master of ceremonies as well as Earl Kawa'a and Emma Kauhi, traditional elder speakers. The parade of nations was inspiring, the speakers motivated by ancestral mem-

ory and experience. MANA. Obviously missing was the laek of the cultural presence by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the entire day was void of OHA's presence. OHA could have learned a lot fiom this day. Shame, especially since only three trustees out of nine were there and support for these three to attend was refused by the chairperson Akana. Akana maintained Springer and Trask would represent OHA and no one else could attend the WIPCE, at least not DeSoto, Machado or Apohona. I was invited to attend, with my plane fare, hotel and transportation accommodations

covered by WIPCE! Noonetomy knowledge thought I was representing OHA Mahalo piha Ed , Pua, Noe Noe a me nā kāko'o a pau. Please accept my apologies for nā po'e hūpō o OHA. ■
