Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1999 — Cancer cure -- [ARTICLE]
Cancer cure --
Native Hawaiian organizations including Papa Ola Lōkahi and 'Iho'ulaokalani eall upon all Hawaiians to participate in JC Penney's Race for the Cure, Sunday, Sept. 26 at Kapi'olani Park. "So many Hawaiian families have suffered losses due to cancer," said 'īlio'ulaokalani Coalition President Vicky Holt Takamine. "Our goal is get at least 1,000 Hawaiians to join in on the benefit including hālau, eanoe clubs, civic clubs, anyone." The 5th
annual breast cancer cure fund raiser is a 5K co-ed run-walk, and a 1 mile family fun walk. The entrance fee is $18 or $22 after Sept. 18. Group discounts are available. Breast cancer is a leading cause of death among Hawaiians, both women and men. The majority of the funds raised at this event will stay in Hawai'i. Por information. eall 973-5967.