Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1999 — IULAI July calendar of events [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
IULAI July calendar of events
Editor's note: Events ofinterest to the Hawaiian community are included in the calendar on a space-available basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validatior ofthe event or the sponsor by OHA. Thru Aug. 7 — Kaulana Nā Pua Anti-Annexation Petition Exhibit in Hilo. Bishop Museum's petition exhibit is in Hilo. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Mon. - Sat. Lyman House Memonal Museum, 276 Haili St., Hilo. $5 kama'āina, $3 sr. citizens/students/keiki. For information, eall 935-5021 (Hawai'i). July 9 — "The Monarchy Challenge."
Lunalilo Home's 8th annual benefit golf tournament raises funds for the home, established by the will of King
Lunaluo īn 1883, tor the care of elderly and indigent Hawaiians. Tournament format Ā
is a three-person team modified scramble. 1 1 a.m. eheek-in, 12:30 shotgun start. Hawai'i Kai Championship Golf Course. $130 per player, $390 per team. Mulligans $5 eaeh, limit 2 eaeh player. Player slots limited, but
spectators are weleome. For information on donations to Lunalilo Home or the Adopt-a-Room program, A eall 395-1000.
JulylO — Kīlauea Cultural Festival. Join Hawai'i volcanoes Nahonal park's 4 annual celebra- >( tion of Hawai-
ian culture. Enjoy the sounds of Darlene Ahuna, Diana Aki, Becky Pau and 'ohana, the Keli'iho'omalu 'ohana, Pā'ani Kīlauea and Nā lima Lele o nā Kūpuna. Learn Hawaiian crafts and play Hawaiian games and musical instrument. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hawai'i Volcanoes
National Park. Free. For more information, eall 985-601 1 (Hawai'i). Jwly 10, 16 — Kilo Hoku at Haleakala. See the stars the ancient Hawaiian way in the elean, clear air of Haleakalā with the staff of Haleakalā Naīional Park. Dress warmly, bring a red-filtered flashlight, beach mat or blankets to sit on and wrap up in, binoculars and hot drink.
7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Hosmer Grove at Haleakalā Naōonal Park. Free, although park entrance fee may apply. For information, eall 572-4459 (Maui). i July ĪO - 17 — 52nd Annual Book Sale. The Friends of the Library of Hawai'i will hold their annual fund raiser for Hawai'i State Public Library System for books, equipment and programs. Computer manuals
and disks, cookbooks, keiki books, Hawaiiana, art, romance, history — Over 70 tons of
books in all. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. (7/10 - 16); 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. (7/17). McKinley High School Cafeteria. Free. For information, or to volunteer, eall 536-4174. July 1 3 — After Dark in the Park.
"Explosions of Kīlauea: How Big? How Bad? How Often?" A lecture by Don Swanson, scientist-in-charge at the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, on Kllauea's past and future, including references in Hawaiian oral tradition. 7 p.m. Kīlauea visitor Center Auditorium, Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Free. For more information, eall 985-6014 (Hawai'i). July 17Piinee Lot Hula Festival. The Moanalua Gardens Foundation presents its 21st annual non-competitive hula concert at the garden's hula mound, "Kama'ipu'upa'a." Participating will be hālau hula including Pua Ali'i 'Ilima, Hālau i ka Wēkiu, Hālau Hula o Maiki, Hālau Hula o Mililani, Lehua
Dance Company, Nā Hula o La'i Kealoha, Hālau o Lehua. Special honors at noon. 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Moanalua Gardens. Free. Formore information, eall 839-5334.
July 1718— 2nd Annual Hale'iwa Arts Festival.
The North Shore community of Hale'iwa will l"eature the finest in art including ceramics, glass, jewelry, painting,
photography, sculpture, wood, Hawaiian feather work and more. Also featured will be music, hula and other entertainment. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. North Shore
Marketpiace and other locations in Hale'iwa Town. Free. Formore information, eall 6380027 or 524-6441.
July 24 — E Mālama i ke Kai. 'Ihilani Resort at Kō 'Olina is the site for Pūnana Leo o Kawaiaha'o's annual fund raiser, emphasizing cultural practices and resource of management of the oeean. Hawaiian language lesson storytelling and presentations by prominent navigators are among the cultural activities planned. All-star entertainment will be provided by Melveen Leed, Loyal Garner, Iva Kinimaka, Kekuhi Kanahele,
'Āle'a, the Ladies of Nā Pualei o Likolehua, Nā Waiho'olu'u o ke Ānuenue, Sudden Rush and more. 'Ono food and beverages will be available. No eoolers/alcohol allowed. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 'Ihilani Resort. Free. For information, eall 845-6246. July 24 — 1 7th Annual KHauea Volcano Wildemess Runs. The Volcano Ārt Center's community event has become the largest foot race on Hawai'i Island. The four events are: the grueling 26.2-mile Wilderness Marathon; the 10-mile run; the 5-mile Kīlauea Caldera Run; and the 5-mile Kīlauea Caldera Walk. Applications available at sporting goods stores and other outlets throughout Hawai'i. For information on participating or serving as a volunteer, eall 985-8725. July 27-»-After Dark in the Park. "Volcanoscapes 1999: Littoral Explosions ofKilauea." Miek Kalber, producer of Tropical Visions' acclaimed Volcanoescapes series, will present his latest video describing littoral (shoreline) explosions caused by sea water that rushes into super-heated lava tubes that expand. 7 p.m. Kīlauea Visitor Center Auditorium, Hawai'i Volcanoes Naūonal Park. Free. For more information, eall 985-6014 (Hawai'i). July 29 ■ 31 — Queen Lili'uokalani Keiki Hula Festival. The Kalihi-Pālama Culture and Arts Society presents their 24th annual eompetition where children compete in solo, kahiko and 'auana categories of hula. More than 500 keiki, ages 6-12 will participants as representatives of 22 hālau hula from O'ahu, Maui and Guam. July 29, 30: 6 p.m. July 31: noon. Neal S. Blaisdell Center Arena. $8.50 , (reserved), $7.50 (general). Tickets available at the Blaisdell Box Office beginning July 17. For more information,call 521-6905. ■
The Ladies of Nā Pualei o Likolehua will perform at the Prince Lot Hula Festival, July 17, and E Mālama i ke Kai, July 24.