Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1999 — Immersion students sought for Oct. 16 Hawaiian language spelling bee [ARTICLE]
Immersion students sought for Oct. 16 Hawaiian language spelling bee
I I AWAIIAN LANGUAGE J immersion students are encourT| aged to participate in Aloha I Festivals' 6th annual Ho'okūkū I I Hua'ōlelo, Oct. 16, at Ward Warehouse in Honolulu. Kaiapuni Hawai'i students statewide will eompete in spelling and defining words in
Hawaiian. Neighbor Island contestants will be flown to Honolulu by Aloha Festivals. Last year's ehampion, Kalei Kawa'a, represented Kula Kaiapuni o Kualapu'u on Moloka'i, the second year in a row that school won the contest.
July 30 is the deadline for registration. Haumāna need to have the eonsent of their parents. In August, a study list of words will be sent to all contestants. Prizes include a eomputer, to be donated to the school of the winning student.
Call 589-1771 for information today. Neighbor islands eall toU-free at 1 (800) 852-7690. E nā hoa o ka 'ōlelo 'ōiwi, e waiho i ka hilahila ma ka hale! E ho 'omākaukau e ho 'okūkū! ■