Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1999 — Waikīkī center fund raiser [ARTICLE]
Waikīkī center fund raiser
Aloha United Way and Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel join forces to kiek off "Pili Mau: Together Forever," a benefit for the Waikiki Community Center. The fund raiser, to be held Aug. 13 at the Sheraton's Hawai'i Ballroom, will feature the Makaha Sons, Melveen Leed, Hapa, Kumu Hula 0'Brian Eselu and his hālau, Ke Kai o Kahiki. Advance tickets are $20. Call 931-8178 for concert information. The Waikīkī Community Center, established in 1978, provides a variety of services to the community including infant care and senior citizens activities. It also manages a food bank and thrift shop. For information on the Waikīkī Community Center and its programs, eall 923-1802.