Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 6, 1 Iune 1999 — Had it [ARTICLE]
Had it
To Trustees Apoliona, DeSoto and Machado, we say we are tired of reading your columns. We read the OHA board minutes and we say shame on you, Trustee DeSoto. You are the kupuna on the board and you
should lōkahi! In 1996, you voted to hire the Administrator, Randall Ogata. He was Japanese then, when he was hired, and now, two years later, you say he is not of the koko (Hawaiian blood)? You folks were in power for one year. What did you do to lōkahi the board? Again we say, get on with the business of the Hawaiian people. We are not blind, deaf and mute. We ean read! Elsie Wong Wai'anae