Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 6, 1 June 1999 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Year to Date April 30

Cash received Ceded land revenue: $ 11,325.000 State general fund: $ 2.729.382 Federal grants: $1,127.325 Native Hawaiian RevoIving Loan Fund (NHRLF) interest: $ 383.427 Hawaiian projects: $ 55,014 Native Hawaiian rights: $ 16.509 Other revenue: $ 232,657 Native plant project sales: $900 Portfoiio ineome reinvested: $ 9,362.659 Total cash received: $ 25„232.873 Disbursements and encumbrances* Operations/Programs Payroū: $4,120,760 All other costs: $5.828,321 GSPD grants:** $ 380,408 Educational eouneil: $ 172,587 Native plant projects: $ 160.305 NHRLF loan distributions: $ 385,750 Native Hawaiian rights: $ 128.410 Hawaiian projects: $ 72.830 Other BOT actions: $ 3,620,379 Investment fees: $948.164 Total disbursements and encumbrances: $15,817,914 OHA Cash investments Treasury cash*** General funds: $ 1,189,889 Public land trust: $8,235,712 Hawaiian projects fund: $ 300,039 Native Hawaiian rights fund: $129.860 NHRLF: $ 2,284,764

Federal grants: $ 17,844 lnstitutional cash Bank of Hawai'i - FHL Bank of Seattle: $ 6,294 First Hawaiian Bank: - Funding account: $20,152 - Home improvement account: $535,103 - Loan program repayments: $351.044 NHRLF: T-bUls and monev market: $ 7.325,705 NHRLF: Time deposit account: $ 1,000.000 Small distribution fund (petty cash): $ 10,316 ' investment portfolio (market vaiue) STIF account: $ 29,785,050 Equities (stocks): $ 188,032,305 Fixed ineome (bonds): $ 104,358,668 Total cash and investments: $ 343,582,745 Unbudgeted commitments***** OHA/DHHL loans: $ 15,202,411 Hawai'i Habitat Ioans: $6,381,076 Ceded land inventory: $ 425,000 Educational foundation: **** GSPD: **** All other: $7,710,696 Totai unbudgeted commrtments: $ 29,719,183 * FY99 appropriations only. ** In addition to 1999 grants executed, may include prior awards. *** Includes restricted cash for encumbrances **** To be determined ***** Net of disbursements and encumbrances Editor's note: The 1999 fiscal yearbegan on July 1, 1998. Therefore, this report reflects ten months of operations.