Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 6, 1 Iune 1999 — BOARD BUSINESS [ARTICLE]
URING ITS Apnl 27 meeting, after four hours in I 1 executive session, the Board of Trustees of the I Office of Hawaiian Affairs voted five to three in I I favor of terminating negotiations to settle OHA's claims as set forth in the 1996 order for summary judgment entered by Judge Daniel Heely in OHA vs. State. In doing so, the board left the decision on the claims to the Hawai'i Supreme Court where the State of Hawai'i's appeal has been pending since oral arguments were heard in April 1998. The trustees also voted to oppose HB 1635 dealing with ceded lands claims and calling for an inventory in the next two years. The board selected the following attorneys and law firms to draft OHA's amicus curiae brief in Rice vi. Cayetano : Harry Sachse and Reid Pathan Chambers of Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse and Endreson; Susan M. Williams of Williams, Janov and Cooney; Robert Long Jr. of Covington and Burling; and Jon Van Dyke. As approved, the action item also included the services of three law professors to consult on the brief: James
Anaya of the University of Iowa, Philip Frickey of the University of Minnesota and David Getches of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Additionally, the trustees voted to retain for purposes of Rice, former Governor John Waihe'e and Senators George Mitchell and Robert Dole of Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand. They unanimously agreed to a revised memorandum of agreement between OHA and the Hawai'i Department of Transportation whieh will allow OHA to plan interpretive centers directed at protecting and preserving cultural resources in Hālawa Valley and at the Luluku Terraces in Kāne'ohe. The board unanimously approved a memorandum of agreement on the protection of archaeological sites within the corridor of the Saddle Road Improvement Project between Hilo and Kona. At its May 26 meeting on Moloka'i, the board voted to change OHA's Investment Policy to require the Investment Consultant's quarterly recommendations to the Budget & Finance Committee also be made to the
full board for its concurrence; and to retain Leona SetoMook as Budget Analyst to assist OHA's Committee on Budget & Finance. It increased the compensation for the Grants Application and Management Specialist VI $40,512 to $50,000. The trustees also appropriated $122,916.04 to purchase six dialysis machines for the Moloka'i dialysis treatment facility of St. Francis Medieal Center, and $9,000 to support the continuation of home dialysis for three months pending the center's eomplehon. Additionally, they approved a Memorandum of Understanding with the OHA Education Couneil. Finally, the board approved the recommendations by the OHA Governmental Affairs and Sovereignty Committee to oppose S.B. 1635 as amended by the legislative conferees' committees and to ask the governor to veto it. The GAS Committee's recommendation to support, with amendments, S. 225 providing federal funds for housing to low-ineome Hawaiians, did not receive enough votes to pass. ■