Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 6, 1 Iune 1999 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BOARD O F TRUSTEES \ I \ Rowena Akana Chairperson & Trustee-At-Large \ Hannah Kihalani Springer Vice-Chair & Trustee, Hawai'i \ Haunani Apoliona \ Trustee-At-Large \ A. Frenchy DeSoto % t rustee-At- large %4ililani B. Trask t rustee-At-Large \ Louis Hao j \rustee, Maui Gbyton Hee Trustee, O'ahu Moses K. Keale Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau Colette Y. Pi'ipi'i Klachado Trustee, Moloka'i & Lāna'i \ ADMINISTRATION RandallOgata Administrator PublisheJ by the Office of Hau-aiu Kffairs Puhlie Irdjirrmation Offici Ryan Mielke Public information officer Jayson Harper pubucations specialist Manu Boyd PauR|Durbin Publicati6ns Editors L Lei Lonotfci pio secretary ■l Charles Ogat& VOLUNTEER Ka Wai Ola o OHA "The Living \Vnwr of OHA" Published mortlbiy by ti^H5ffice of Hawaiian Affairs, 7 1! K^i'3āni;BotiliaftI, ?th ,<l'>ur. ! Iunnliilii Telephone: 594-1980 or ī-8db-468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: 5941865. E-mail: ohaiMaha.nee World Wtde Weh locajion: http://wrvw.oha.org. t 7tkjilatioh: 70,000 copies, 60,000 of whieh are distributed hy mtfrtJT,000 through island offt$es, state and cotmty offices, private ano)gpmmumty agencies and target grottps and individuais. K a Wax CSu o OHA is print6d hy RFD Puhlkattons, ine. Hawaiianfortts afe tovided hy 0&onut info. '-Graphtcs are frora Oliek Hawaiian . Vl. i99( Vafez/CL Adverin Ka Woi Qk o OHA does not . .tstelitu:: an endorsem<tato£ prt«!ucts or individuals by tln (!9Yicv of Hawaiian Ka Wai O'u o OHA is pubiished by rbf Oiiiee of Hawaiian Affaits • s .«elp inform its Hawaiiaa#enefictaries and other mterested parttes ahout Hawaiiatj,4ssues and activities and OHA progra^»and efforts. Evygp of interest to the Hawaiian community are''ti^uded in thef€Salendar on a space avatlable basis. !nclusion d<Sfeiit consjjiute cndorsemenr or valtdarion of 1 the event ot the spo&* by Office of Hawaiian Affaits. K i Notifee to Readers: Ka Win Ola o OHA will accep^jgr omkiemi m news rejeases <urd letters to the editor on topKs relevancc and iii'kk. 1 to OHA and Hawwians, as well as cmk5glar events and'reunion , notices. Ka Wai Oia o OHA teserves me-^he •> cdit ai materīiii ior length and content, or not to pt :-iM» .n avsriiahlc space oryrher consi<fcrations may requtre. Ka Wai Qk o OHA does nnt"&:cept tmsoltcited manuscripts. Deadlme submissions is the eighth day of every month. Lare sBbtttiss®is are considered onlv < A' a,^f>acc-available hasis. A copy of the'-newspE^>er i- mat!ed eaHt month to the oldest regtstered OHA voter at eaeh 'uid"t -- , to he shared hy the hold To eohpnue receiving Ka Wai Ola o OHA, please rememher n> votē in ieaeh elecdon. Our maihrtg list ts based on dhe OHA votet lists and when the ctty artd county clerks putge the tist of non-voters, <>ūw4fetJs abo affected. Mahaioi for adverttstnc rates, call world press inc. at 627-13^ iē> 1999 Office of Haw.ui.m Aff.ur. V - ; All rights reseivcd. : • ''■Sgf B /