Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 5, 1 Mei 1999 — MEi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


"v ? |jf 5(g||ff - ' gpk M a y e MJt e n d a r of events

■si®^ar -:r --' '■." -m m EdiWr's notc: Events of interest to the Hāwanan community are includedin the cmendar on a space-available basis. Inclusion does noi constitute endorsement or validation of the event or the sponsor by OHA. 1ftru Sun. M<vy 30 Plantation Play Kumu Kahua Theatre presents the stage adaption of Milton Murayama's novel "All I Asking For is My Bodyf whieh depicts life on a Maui sugar plantation eamp in the 1940s. Thurs.-Sat. 8 p.m.; Sun. 2 p.m. Kumu Kahua Theatre. Thurs. $12, $10 and $5; Fri.-Sun. $15, $12and$10. For information, eall 5364222. Tftru Moy Kapa (Bark Cloth) Exhibition The East-West Center Arts Program and UH Mānoa's Department of Art present Puanani Van Dorpe's Kuku Kapa Exhibition. Weekdays 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Sun. noon - 4 p.m., thru June 18. EastWest Center Gallery. Free. For information, eall 956-8251. Sot. May 1 Lei Day Festival The City & County of Honolulu Department of Parks & Recreation presents the 72nd Annual Lei Day Festival at Queen Kapi'olani Park. This year's theme for the adult and children's lei contests is Nā Lei o nā Loke, the lei of the rose. Festivities include the traditional investiture of the Lei Day Queen and her court; lei competitions; craft demonstrations; and entertainment. Sat. 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Free. For information, eall 592-7029. M. Mory 1, 8 Honolulu Theatre for Youth "Under a Shared Sky," a Honolulu Theatre for Youth production, presents stories gathered ffom folklore of the Pacific islands. The show is recommended for families with children ages three and up. 10:30 a.m. McCoy Pavilion, Ala Moana Park. $10 adults, $7.50 for students with I.D., $5 for youth and seniors over 60, and free for children age two and under. For infoimation, eall HTY at 839-9885.

*<-- C.IM i«mf iWlll. iwiHy Jm Family Fair Sunday Join Kumu Hula Sonny Ching and Hālau Nā Mamo o Pu'uanahulu at "Family Fair Sunday." The event will feature island entertainers, a country store, food, crafters and a keiki carnival. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bishop Museum Great Lawn. $5, children ages five and under ffee. For information, eall 848-7780. Kamehameha Pai'ea Hālau O Kekuhi and the Edith Kanaka'ole Foundation bring their new production "Kamehameha Pai'ea" to Honolulu for two performances. The drama, whieh chronicles the life of a perfect warrior chief, Kamehameha I, will feature 24 members of Hālau O Kekuhi. 7:30 p.m. Hawai'i Theatre. $50, $43.50 and $32.50. For ticket information, eall 528-0506. $at. May 8 Intermediate & High School Hula The public is weleome to attend the 1999 Hawai'i Seeondary Schools Hula Kahiko Competition, sponsored by the Kalihi-Pālama Culture & Arts Society, ine. The contest will feature intermediate and high school students ffom public and private schools in Hawai'i. There will be three categories of elkane, wahine and hui 'ia. 10 a.m. King Intermediate. $4. For information, eall 5216905. Sot. Moy 1 5 Pauoa Day The Pauoa Community Association invites the public to join its benefit event for the seniors, children and community of Pauoa. There will be food, entertainment by loeal artists, keiki games and a variety of crafts and vendors. 3-8 p.m. Booth District Park. Free admission. For information, eall 536-8648. S«rt. Moy 18 Hula Kahiko Performance Kumu Hula Peter Day and his hālau, He Kula Na Mea Hawai'i, will kiek off the 1999 Nā Mea Hawai'i Hula Kahiko series. 10 a.m. Pa Hula near the Voleano Art Gallery in Volcanoes Nahonal Park. Free. For information, eall 9678222 (Hawai'i).

WWW! Hula 'Auana Class Cathy Arnold is offering six lessons of hula 'auana. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Volcanoes National Park. $42. For information on this or other classes offered covering Hawaiian language, culture and 'ukulele, eall 967-8222 (Hawai'i). W; fs*"" M°y Heiau Clean-Up Volunteers are needed to help mainīain Kawa'ewa'e Heiau, and ancient luakini in Kāne'ohe. Work includes weeding, pruning and cleaning. Short uphill hike to location, long-pants recommended. Meet at the end of Llpalu St. off of Nāmoku. 8:30 - 1 1:30 a.m. Call 2351088. Sat. & Swn. May 22, 23 Pacific Island Festival The Festival of Pacific Island Arts and Culture, a celebration of cultural variations and similarities of island societies, will be held on Maui. The diversity of the Pacific islands will be illustrated through films, music, dance, foods and crafts. 10 a.m. May 22 at Maui Botanieal Garden and Amphitheater, Kahului; May 23 at McCoy Theater, Maui Arts & Cultural Center. Free. For information, eall the Maui Pacific Center at 875-2310. Sal. Moy29 Hula 'Auana Workshop Bishop Museum's Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program, in conjunction with the Mountain Apply Company, presents a series of cultural workshops featuring Kekuhi Kanahele and Kaipo Frias. This month, two workshops in hula 'auana will be offered to intermediate and advanced dancers. 9 a.m. and noon. Hawai'i Maritime Center, Pacific Room. $50. For information, eall 8484144. Sat. May 29 Taro Conference and Festival The Waiāhole Taro Conference and Festival invites those interested in all things related to kalo to attend this event whieh will feature lo'i inspired arts and

crafts, hikes into the valley, poi pounding, music and 'ono food. 9-5 p.m. Waiāhole Elementary School. Free. For information, eall Meala at 239-6014. - Moit« Moy 29 - 31 Master Classes All kumu hula, alaka'i and advanced dancers are invited to attend master classes in hula kahiko and oli. Sonny Ching, Ray Fonseca and Keali'i Reichel will teach. Lotus Gate Sanctuary, Wai'ōhinu, Ka'ū, Hawai'i. $249.99 includes instruction, dormitory-style lodging and meals. Call Pekelo Day at 939-8503. Moo* Moy 31 15th Founder's Day at Kahikolu Join Hālau Hula o Maiki at its annual celebration of the birthday of their founder, Kumu Hula Aunty Maiki Aiu Lake, featuring performances by top music groups and hālau, Hawaiian food and crafts. 10 a.m. Hula Mālie Fun Run; 11-2 p.m. Founder's Day entertainment and events. Kahikolu, St. Francis High School, Mānoa. $15 pre-sale, $20 at the door. For information, eall Hālau Hula o Maiki at 955-0050. ■