Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 5, 1 May 1999 — Affordable lawyers [ARTICLE]
Affordable lawyers
Through its new Affordable Lawyers program, the Legal Aid Society of Hawai'i announces the availability of legal services at a reduced fee to mid-income families who meet set eligibility levels. For a low hourly fee, advice and consultation are provided by a licensed attomey on preparation of documents for uncontested divorces, guardianships, adoptions, Chapter 7 bankruptcy, durable powers of attorney, living wills and simple wills. Also offered are do-it-yourself workshops. For more information, eall 527-8027 (O'ahu), 245-4728 (Kaua'i), 244-5400 (Maui), 553-3251 (Moloka'i), 565-6089 (Lana'i), 935-4374 (Hilo) and 331-1124 (Kona). Legal Aid will provide assistance to low ineome families in such critical matters as child custody, domestic abuse, public benefits and housing.
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