Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 5, 1 Mei 1999 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

@jfA BOARD O F TRUSTEES % | 1 % i Rowena Akana Chairperson & Trustee-At-Large \ Hannah Kihalani Springer Vice-Chair & Trustee, Hawai'i Haunani Apoliona Trustee-At-Large | A. Frenchy DeSoto i Trustee-At-Large Wililani B. Trask Trustee-At-Large , V Louis Hao t\»USTEE, MAUI Qbyton Hee TRuijTEE, O'AHU Moses K. Keale Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau Colette Y. Pi'ipi'i MachaJo Trustee, Moloka'i & lāna'l ADMINISTRATION Randall Ogata Aoministrator Pftblished by the Ofjke of Hawaiian Affairs f \ Puhlie In£onnatiim Office Ryan Mielke public |nformation officer 'Jayson Harper PUBL|CATIONS SPECIALIST lvi%ftu Boyd Paula Durhin publications editors Lei Lono?Li pio secretary t , Charles Ogata volunteer Katrina Souza pio intern Ka Wai Ola o OHA "Me Lwing\Vau>r of OHA" A M i Published montb!y' b' )"me Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 7 i 1 Kapi'oiani Briuleva?di#fch floor, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. Telephone: 594-1980 or lfe00 -468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: 5941865. E-mail: oha@aloha.nAJ- World Wule Web Ipeaiion: http://www.oha.org. Circum^an: 70,(X)0 copies, 60^000 of whieh are distributed by mail, 7(00^|hrough island <|(6ices, state Kand county oifices, private and comt^n)ty agencies and target groups and individuals. Ka Wai is pj4hted by RFD PuWkaliom, ine. Hawaiian fonts are provkied hy Coconut Info. G&»phics are from Click Hawaiian Ait, 19% Varez/Cl. Advertisir%.in 'Ka Wai Ola o OHA does not cow*itute an endorsemt nr products or individuals by tho<CWice of Hawaiian Ka Wai 0!u rt OHA is published ,bv the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to Kelp.inform its Hawaiian beneficiaries and other mterested parties^ibout Hawailan issues and activiries and J OHA ptograms iftdrforts. Bfenr< of mterest to the Hawaiian commumty are mc®cd in nie Calendar on a spaee :iv.si!ahlc basis. lnclusion does na(eptisrituteendo?sement or validationof the event or the spoasor^- thc Otficeof Hawaiian Affairs. / Notice t< > ReaJers: Ka Wai Ola o OHA will accept for c«^jderation new.4 releases and letters to the editor on topics of td6s®nce and, tnterest to OHA and Hawaiians, as well as calendar Aena tod reunion n6tices. Ka Wai Ok o OHA reserves the right 6-iit all materi,i1 fer k-ngth and content, or rsot to publish asravailable space or oihcr consKieiations may requirc. Ka Wat < >Li o OHA does not uitsoiicited nianuscripts. Deadjfee for submīssions is the eighrh day of every month. Late suhKsissions are considered onIy ona:^^^vailabkl>aas. gpp A copy of the nJ&spapcr is malietfeach month to the oldest registered OHA voter at eaeh address, to he shared hy the household. To eonnnue recciving Ka Wai Ola o OHA, plcase rememher to vote in eae^i leuion. Our mailmg list ls based on the OHA voter lists and wliēa|jfee city and counry clerks purge J the list of non-votets, our list iI:dsorfected. Mahalo! FOR ADVERTISING RATES, CALL WORLD PRESS INO. AT 627-1327 T|. - 'i>|1999 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. ' * Ajl rights reserved. /