Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 4, 1 April 1999 — OHA BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ARTICLE]

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\ ? f \ Rowena Akana Chairperson & Trustee-At-Large i Hannah Kihalani Springer Vice-Chair & Trustee, Hawai'i - Haunani Apoliona Trustee-At-Large \ A, Frenchy DeSoto Trustee-At-Large \Mililani B. Trask Trustee-At-Large > ' \ Louis Hao Trustee, Maui C^iyton Hee Tru^tee, O'ahu Moses K. Keale Sr. Trustee, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau Colette Y. Pi'ipi'i Machado Trustee, Moloka'i & Lāna'i ADMINISTRATION Randall Ogata Administrator Pvblished by the Ofjjke of Hawaiian Affairs I \ Public In£ynnation Office >■ R.yan Mielke PUBLIC lNFORMATION OFFICER \Jayson Harper PuBUCATIONS SPECIALIST Mkriu Boyd Pau^Durbin publications editors jk Lei Lonoāfe3 PIO secretaRv 1 Charles Ogata volunteer Katrina S<Hi;a , PIO intern Ka Wai Ola o OHA "~f%e LivingWater of OHA" Puhlished momh!v hv rhi. Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 7 1 ' Kapi'oiani BoulevaWĪ*fch floor, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813. Telephone: 594-1980 or 1^00-468-4644 ext. 41888. Fax: 5941865. E-mail: oha@alohffifc. World Wide Weh yfcation: http*://www. oha.org. CircumiVn; 70,000 copies, 60,000 of whieh are distributed by mail, 7^00QA.rough feland yffices, state and cout\ty offices, private and coni3lKiltv agenctes and target \jroups and individua!s. Ka Wai Okt o ^UA ts ptfnted bv RFD PuHications, ine. Hawaiian fonts are provtifcd hyC<x:onut Info. Owhio are ffom Chtk Hawaiian Art, 1996 Varez/CI. Adverristtig in Ka Woi Ola o OHA does not eooUinne an endorsement as products or individuals by th<jCHftce of Hawaiian Aft:urs. \ K'a Weii OLi a i. )HA is published.5by the Office of Hawaiian Aftairs to h8f>„inform its Hawaiian beneficiaries and other interested patT!te?*about H:<wjman issues and activities and OHA ptograms ifid efforts. Events of interest to the Hawaiian . community are meliiĒh m the Calendar on a space avaiiabley„ basis. lnctusion does not;c»mstirure endotsement or vaiidation of the event or the sponsonlk the Office of Hawaiian Affaits. ** "y!% / Notice to Rea<Jers: Ka Wai Ola o OHA will accept for coti'Hderat!on new/ releases ar,d lerters to the editor on topics of t<tetonce and iHrerest to C*HA and Hawaiians, as well as calendar eVsnt< ānd reunton ttdhces. Ka Wai 01 a. o OHA reserves the right t< > «lit all materm! fot length :md content, or not to puhlish j.ftvailable space > : or -.>iher cotiMdt. ta!i< jns may require. Ka WjfX~Ax o OHA does ' : not aeeepi unsolicited matiuscripts. Deadtitie tor submtssions is the eighth day <>f every month. Late subfhissions are considered only <>n a sf>ac\available basis. A copy of the news^>aper is maileel eaeh month to the oldest registered OHA' address, to be shared by the household. To cortrinūe.reeeiving Ka Wai Ola o OHA, please rememher to vore in eaen ele®on. Our mailing list is based on the OHA votet lists and whe^ tfce city and aiunty cierks putge $ the list of non-voters, our list is afe>*§ffected. Mahalo! FOR ADVERTISING RATES, CALL WORLD PRESS l»te. AT 627-1327 * . / *kj999 Officc of Hawaiian Affairs. Jr Ajl rights reserved.