Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 16, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1999 — Kaleponi connection: bridging the gap [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kaleponi connection: bridging the gap
By Manu Boyd
Acentury and a half after the Gold Rush, Hawaiians are still flocking to Northern California — to visit, to shop, to learn and to live. As evidenced by the scores of Hawaiian ciubs, hōlau and island music ensembles throughout the Bay Area and up and down the west coast, Hawaiians are embracing their native culture, defying the notion that the Hawaiian way of life is limited to these Pacific islands. Two Hawaiians, one born in "Kaleponi" (California) and one a two-decade "transplant," do us proud with their recent CD recordings illustrating that "you ean take the kanaka out of Hawai'i, but you can't take Hawai'i out of the kanaka." Slack-key aficionado Patrick Landeza and Kumu Hula Mark Ho'omalu are talented 'oiwi who have gifts to share with us at home, and with folks around the world.
Pafrick landeza Pu unaue - To Share Aloha lilts from the sweet slack-key of Patrick Kahakauwila Kamaholelani Landeza (pictured above), the Berkeley-born artist who counts some of Hawai'i's finest as his inspirations. The son of Hawai'i-born parents, Patrick represents a generation of natives who, despite their distant birthplaces, consider Hawai'i home. Intrigued with ki ho'alu as a keiki, Patrick's encounter with slack-key legend Raymond Kāne at a concert in Berkeley marked a turning point in his life. Later, under the tutorship of Saichi Kawahara, leader of the Kapalakiko Hawaiian Band, Landeza's formal training commenced. Over the past decade, he has met the best of the
best, some of whom appear on
his debut, including Martin Pahinui. George Kuo. Dennis Kamakahi and Pekelo Cosma. " Kaula 'lli ," the old-time cowboy song, was taught to Landeza by Sonny Chillingworth. In this performance, he sings with his mother, Frances
(Nawaipulou iNuakini u buihvan V. Landeza. "Dad's Song,'" among \j the originals, honors his late father, 1 Danny Landeza Jr. " Monorail Slack Key" eommemorates a trip to New York with harmonie "chimes" to imitate the mono-
rail bells. " Māhealani " is a mele inoa for Brook Māhealani Lee, the former Miss Universe whose j hula dancing and back-stage talk story sparked j the tribute. We look forward to hearing more from Patrick ! and others like him who, for whatever reason, have found homes outside of Hawai'i. But their j love for their music, language and ancestral homeland burns brightly deep within — pio 'ole i i ka pā mai a ke kēhau hu 'ihu 'i o Kaleponi (unextinguishable in the chilling wind of Califor- ; nia).
Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu 'Po okela Chants " Inventive yet familiar; peculiar yet intriguing; dignified yet unrestrained; bizarre to the senses yet intense to the soul. Mark Keali'i Ho'omalu, kumu hula of Nā Mele Hula 'Ohana of Oakland, Calif., has caught the islands by storm with his bold and unique treatment of Hawaiian hterary performance. Whether wowing audiences in Hawai'i or across the sea in Maleka (Ameiiea), Ho'omalu's inspired style of self expression and cultural interpretation has roots in tradition. In the late '70s, 'Aiea-born Ho'omalu studied hula with Darrell Lupenui, and learned about
showmanship from another mentor. John Pi'ilani Watkins. i Like Lupenui and I others. Ho'omalu
has taken traditional hula rhythms and footwork beyond traditional l parameters, creat- \ ing a unique
genre of Hawaiian chant and dance more than 2,000 miles away
from Hawai'i nei. While most of his selections feature vocals and ipu accompaniment, some have been enhanced with strings and guitar work. Culmral themes range from the divine splendor of Keaomelemele, goddess of the clouds, to tributes to Hawai'i's seventh sovereign in "Holo Ana 'O Kalākaua" and " Kalākaua He Inoal' Enjoy this intriguing collection of classical and original Hawaiian poetry performed in a way you will not soon forget. Remember too, that it is the evolved expression of one man, rooted in the complexities of Hawaiian tradition in a world hungry for redefined cultural identity. ■